So what is vaginoplasty anyways? Vaginoplasty is a gender-affirming lower surgery performed on trans-feminine people to make them feel more comfortable in their own bodies.
Also known as SRS (Sexual Reassignment Surgery), GRS (Gender Reassignment Surgery), GCS (Gender Conformation Surgery), GAS (Gender Affirmation Surgery).
See also; labiaplasty, orchiectomy.
Vaginoplasty is a surgery which involves rearranging genital tissue (penis, scrotum) into different genital tissues (vaginal canal, vulva). Depending on how much tissue is available, a skin graft may be required. Permenant hair removal is a prerequisite, due to the nature of this surgery.
YouTube Video: 101 THINGS TO EXPECT From Vaginoplasty (GCS/GRS/SRS)
YouTube Video: 12 News: Becoming Rachel: A Phoenix woman's emotional transformation, Pt. 1
YouTube Video: 12 News: Becoming Rachel: A Phoenix woman's emotional transformation
YouTube Video: 680 News: First gender reassignment surgery in Ontario performed
YouTube Video: 680 News: First gender reassignment surgery performed at Women's College Hospital
YouTube Video: Addie Leavitt: UNBOXING | GCS Info Packet (Dr. Brassard)
YouTube Video: Adea: 1, 2, 3 MONTHS POST OP!! (with complications)
YouTube Video: Adea: I GOT THE SURGERY / Adea
YouTube Video: aida melody: GRS: 1 Year Post-Op
YouTube Video: Armani is Gucciz: SRS - What It’s Like Working Post Op (unedited)
YouTube Video: Autumn Asphodel: Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) | 1 Year Post-op Male to Female
YouTube Video: Bubblepop Mei: SRS Dilators
YouTube Video: Diary of Gabby: transition diary: bottom surgery
YouTube Video: Diary of Gabby: transition diary: sex change surprise
YouTube Video: DR Z PHD - Gender Specialist | Transgender Adults: Is Gender Reassignment Vulvoplasty Worth It?
YouTube Video: Ella Grant: YOUR SURGERY QUESTIONS ANSWERED (in the most over the top way possible)
YouTube Video: ISIS DEVINE: Unbelievable Transforming Operations: A Documentary on Vagina Surgery
YouTube Video: Jennifer McCreath 01/29/11 five days post-op - SRS boot camp in Montreal (8 of 14)
YouTube Video: Jessica Tiffany: Tiffany's Vlog #49 Three Days Post-Op!!
YouTube Video: Katt Tracks: Last day at GRS Montreal
YouTube Video: Kayla Ward: 2 Months Post Op SRS
YouTube Video: letsflybutterfly: SRS with Dr. Brassard: Part1
YouTube Video: Maya Henry: 2 Years Post-Op | Gender Reassignment Surgery
YouTube Video: Maya Henry: 3 Months Post-Op | Gender Confirmation Surgery
YouTube Video: Maya Henry: I'm Having the Surgery
YouTube Video: Mozaic Care: Non Binary Vaginoplasty Surgical Options: Peritoneal Pull Through
YouTube Video: Mozaic Care: Vaginoplasty: Gender Non Conforming Options Video
YouTube Video: Mozaic Care: Vaginoplasty: Heidi Wittenberg Peritoneal Pull Through History
YouTube Video: Mozaic Care: Vaginoplasty Peritoneal Pull Through Discussion: Heidi Wittenberg
YouTube Video: Ruby Price: Five Years Post Op|A Reflection On My Gender Reassignment Surgery
YouTube Video: Spence: i had bottom surgery in montreal with dr.brassard (transgender mtf srs experience)
YouTube Video: The Chloe Connection: Trans & Nonbinary Gender-Affirming Surgery | Interview with Dr. Dany Hanna | Hanna Gender Center
YouTube Video: Trans Health Series: Trans Health Series - James Bellringer
YouTube Video: Victoria Perera: Bottom surgery update.
YouTube Video: Victoria Perera:Transgender Bottom surgery. What’s it like?
YouTube Video: Voice by Kylie: I Had Gender Confirmation Surgery | My Experience | MTF
YouTube Video: ZaraHarley: This bitch is over ONE YEAR POST OP
YouTube Video: Academic Medical Education: Sex Reassignment Surgery and Post-Op Care | Poonpissamai Suwajo, MD
YouTube Video: andrologie lyon sud: VAGINOPLASTY - Vaginoplastie
YouTube Video: Diary of Gabby: transition diary: bottom surgery 18+
YouTube Video: Gabreiella Janice Wissell: post-op unpacking srs/grs// operation was Jan 26/2013
YouTube Video: Guillermo MacMillan: Genitoplastia Femenizante Transexual Femenino
YouTube Video: HIV-NAT Thailand: Post-operative care and neovagina care
YouTube Video: Janemed Surgical: Male To Female | GRS Surgery Video | JaneMED SURGICAL INDIA
YouTube Video: Leonardo Bezerra: reassignment surgery tilapia skin
YouTube Video: NYU Langone Health: What to Expect: Robotic Peritoneal Flap Vaginoplasty at NYU Langone
YouTube Video: Pragnesh Shah: Peritoneal pull through technique of Laparoscopic Vaginoplasty in absent uterus & Rt pelvic kidney
YouTube Video: PRINCESSJOULES: MTF SRS SCARS (Sex, Orgasm & Update)
YouTube Video: PriyaMED: PriyaMED presents... Sugar's PPV GRS SRS GCS Vaginoplasty
YouTube Video: Prof. Dr. Serdar Nasır: Revision of Transgender Surgery
YouTube Video: surgeryinmotion: Surgical Reconstruction for Male-to-Female Sex Reassignment
YouTube Video: Urology Times: Robot assisted penile inversion vaginoplasty
YouTube Video: Zoey Carey: Post OP SRS Aftercare Unwrapping ***Disclaimer*** YOU WILL SEE A POST OP VAGINA IN THIS VIDEO, NSFW
Children's Hospital - Vaginoplasty
Cleveland Clinic - Vaginoplasty
Cosmopolitan - I’m a 22-Year-Old Trans Woman. Here’s What It’s Really Like to Get Gender Confirmation Surgery.
HealthLine - Vaginoplasty: Gender Confirmation Surgery
intomore - Back to the Cutting Table: Journaling Through Genital Reassignment Surgery
John Hopkins - Vaginoplasty for gender affirmation
Miki Mappin - Post-op; More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About Miki’s Kiki.
MTFsurgery - Peritoneal Pull-Through Vaginoplasty
PubMed - Autologous Fibroblast-Seeded Amnion for Reconstruction of Neo-vagina in Male-to-Female Reassignment Surgery
PubMed - Does Depth Matter? Factors Affecting Choice of Vulvoplasty Over Vaginoplasty as Gender-Affirming Genital Surgery for Transgender Women
PubMed - Pedicled Peritoneal Flap Vaginoplasty in Male-to-Female Gender Affirmation Surgery: A Case Report
PubMed - Recommending or Rejecting "the Dimple": WPATH-Affiliated Medical Professionals' Experiences and Attitudes Toward Gender-Confirming Vulvoplasty in Transgender Women
Transgender Pulse - Cosmetic SRS/GRS Regrets and Cautionary Advice
Suporn Clinic - Suporn’s Non-Penile Inversion SRS Technique
UCSF - Vaginoplasty procedures, complications and aftercare.
UHHospitals - Vaginoplasty: Male to Female (MTF) Genital Reconstructive Surgery
Wikipedia - Vaginoplasty
Wired - A Patient Gets the New Transgender Surgery She Helped Invent