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This work contains sexual content.
This is a Work In Progress.

Chapter 1

The waiting room was filled with August birthdays. Everyone got the assessment on day 1 of your birth month. Unless your birthday was day 1, then you would get it done at the start of the previous month. At least, that’s how our city organized it. I heard of some variations in other areas, but didn’t really care enough to look into it. The result was always the same. You would wait around until it was time to check the mail.


I looked up at the nurse. It was my turn. Someone else stood up before me.

“Phoe Johnson?”

I looked back down. My turn would be next. Probably. That was the issue with common last names. Always causing confusion. At school teachers always found it funny. Make jokes about it. Never original. Always making comments about how we should be numbered, as if we didn’t have different first names.

Bonus Content

Story Outline/Notes

In a world where people have mandatory buttplugs the main cast is a group of newly-18-year-olds who are scared of what will happen. Occasionally switches perspective. They are on the run from the government. Main character was initially scared, that is why he joined this group, but his curiosity gets the better of him. Eventually, he sneaks off to get his, but he is afraid to tell the others. It is worth it, but it gets hard to hide. Betrayal. He doesn’t know what to do about it.

Main group has a total of 3 people
MC - trans guy, bunny sona, kind of a pushover, really kinky
Group Leader - woman, bossy, into chastity, believes in some kind of government conspiracy and is convinced of something more to these plugs and that its a mind control thing
3rd person - fox girl, something’s up with her. Quiet

Right before your 18th birthday, you are taken to a facility to be assessed for your fursona and your custom tail. In between that information being processed and you getting the tail, you can do whatever. The world has a culture where people are excited about this and look forward to it happening. There is no reason to distrust this rite of passage. The main characters are paranoid about it and scared. There is no mind control involved, but there is something nefarious going on that the main characters don’t know about. If you don’t accept your government issued furry tail, you will be punished. The more you don’t wear it, the greater the punishment.

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