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Underwater Facility

This work contains sexual content.
This is a Work In Progress.

working draft on word doc

Bonus Content

Story Outline

A plane crashes in the ocean. The plane crashed because of dragons. There are 3 dominant races on the planet - dragons, mermaids, and werewolves. They all hate humans, and are trying to convert as many as possible into their respective races to halt humanity’s destruction of Earth. As the plane starts to sink, the humans left behind by the dragons begin to drown, however the plane crash was near a mermaid settlement. The plane is scavenged for parts and the humans who haven’t been carried away by dragons are taken by the mermaids. The humans are safely transported while unconscious, and given potions that turn them into mermaids. The transformation process feels extremely good. The main character, Ben, is a transgender werewolf who was on the plane on his way to see his long-distance girlfriend. Because he was unconscious, and in his human form, he was given one of the transformation potions to be turned into a mermaid. Ben decides to keep his species a secret from the mermaids. After he’s turned into a mermaid, he wakes up in a government facility. This place is a supervised living facility run by the mermaids where transformed humans are brainwashed and reeducated for underwater life. Ben no longer has legs, instead, he has a long tail covered in bluish-green scales which come up around his waist below his belly button. His fingers are slightly webbed, and there are bluish-green scales covering his arms and they meet around his shoulders and upper chest. His ears resemble fins now, and his eyes are adapted to being underwater. Around where his crotch had been is a line of dark blue scales. Most of the rest of his body is unaltered. His top surgery scars are visible, and there is a small pawprint tattoo on his upper chest, just below the new scales. Mermaid fashion mostly consists of flowy dresses with thin arm straps, and a belt which keeps the middle of the dress close to the middle of the tail for modesty, while the bottom of the dress is open and flowy, allowing the tail to move for swimming. As a newly converted ‘human’ in this facility, Ben only has a simple gray dress to wear. He has his own room in this facility, and it is his only ‘private’ space here. He can go to the cafeteria, and socializing rooms at scheduled times, along with the auditorium for reeducation. The purpose is to teach the converts about mermaid culture and be obedient. While alone in his room, Ben realizes that he can no longer shift into his wolf form, though he still has his super strength, hearing, and smell. Ben is quickly depressed in this facility, and rarely does anything outside of what he is required to do. He loses hope of escape. Every evening, when he is confined to his room, he is brought a potion that he is forced to take by one of the facility’s employees. This is a potion that keeps him docile, and complacent for the program. One day, the potion tastes slightly different. Ben tries to go to sleep, but feels horny. He hikes up his dress to touch the line of darker scales below his waist. It feels amazing, and he can’t stop. The stimulation causes the scales to open up, revealing his pussy. Ben masturbates before falling asleep. From then on, the evening potion keeps making Ben horny for longer and longer every night. Eventually, he’s still feeling it in the morning some days. He tries to hide it, but one of the staff, the same one who brings him the evening potion, notices. She makes it clear that she knows what is happening to Ben. The two of them dance around the topic without admitting anything. This staff member is named Lucy, and she is a mermaid with a shark tail instead of a shiny scale tail. She is a different subspecies of merperson, and moved here from out of town, so she doesn’t look like most of the other merpeople at the facility. The conversion potion for the humans that is mainly used turns them into the most common mertype with scales. This is cause its easier to make that potion, and it will be easier for those converts to integrate into society as they won’t stand out so much. Ben finds it harder and harder to control himself, while Lucy becomes more and more sexual and flirty with him. Eventually, one evehing, Lucy comes to Ben’s room after her shift is over. He is humping furniture, and doesn’t stop when she enters. She closes the door, and removes her uniform and she goes to Ben to touch him all over. They have sex. Lucy is also trans, so she has boobs and a dick. They end up kissing. In this world, soulmates exist. It can be hard to tell who your soulmate is, but if you manage to find them, and kiss them, your minds and emotions become linked. However, if the first person you kiss on the lips is not your soulmate, your minds become linked and it cannot be undone. (nothing will happen if you kiss someone who has already kissed someone else) So even if you HATE you first kiss, you will still lust for them, and be linked to their emotions. Also, your actual soulmate will forever be alone. Lucy and Ben form a sort of relationship at the facility. The drugs in the potion slowly go back to just containing the original compliance potion. Eventually, Ben is approved for integration into society. The apartment he is issued turns out to be owned by Lucy. It is a small place with no windows. He is confined there by Lucy, who visits him in her free time. She is promoted to a position where she checks in on converts to make sure they are integrating well, and she fakes his reports. The whole apartment is basically a series of sex rooms. He is restrained when alone. Eventually, the effects of the compliance potion wear off, but there is no escape from the aphrodisiacs here. He is kept horny in this room, so that Lucy can feel that pleasure in her mind during her working hours. It is when it is confirmed that Ben is pregnant, that Ben has completely lost any remaining hope and memory of the girlfriend he was once flying to see. The pregnancy leads to Ben being treated kinder by Lucy, and fucked less frequently. Lucy was around far more often, and part of the apartment was turned into a nursery. Ben questions his relationship with Lucy. He is oven overpowered by her dominant mind, as they are not true soulmates. They are not compatible, and their relationship is not equal. He ends up falling in love with her, and now he is allowed to leave, but only while supervised by her. About half of the apartment remains sexual, while the other half is normal. Ben gives birth, and it is half wolf pup and half shark tail set of triplets. They are not allowed to leave the apartment until around 3 years old, where they are old enough to shift their upper bodies to a humanoid mer form. At this point, Ben has full independence to go where he wants, but is madly in love with Lucy. Ben agrees to allow two of the triplets to live with Lucy, while the third one lives with him. He is named Ben Jr. It is not until Ben Jr’s 18th birthday that he learns about his fellow triplets. He sets out to find them. By now, he has many sets of younger siblings who became single births once they could shape shift. The family was a mess. Lucy and Ben fuck a lot.

Chapter 1

The in-flight entertainment paused. I barely reacted, thinking that it would be back after a few minutes of another boring announcement. I was barely paying attention, hoping simply to finish my movie, when suddenly, the plane started shaking violently.

Plucking out my headphones, I looked around to see everyone panicking. Outside the plane, I could see dragons. Huge and scaly, they were tearing apart the plane with massive claws. I unbuckled myself, and stood up shakily. The two passengers who had been sitting to my right had got up and left, but I was no longer all that concerned about having the window seat.

There were huge, gaping holes in the side of the plane. A smaller dragon was patrolling the plane’s cabin and tossing humans out of the plane and into big nets held by even more dragons.

I was frozen in fear, unsure of what to do. Of course I was aware of the dragon raids, but it was one of those things that happens to other people. It wasn’t something within the realm of possibility. But it was. It had to be because it was happening. The dragons were getting more and more violent with their attacks as the months ticked by. The mad dash to convert humans to dwindle their population was becoming a sickening competition.

What would happen if I was caught in the middle of this? Dragons already tended to be adverse to werewolves, but if they found one traveling on a human plane like this? There was no telling what would happen.

The screaming around me suddenly snapped back into focus. I tried to calm myself through my breathing, and decided that the best option was to get off the plane on my own. I sprinted to one of the nearby gaps, and leaped out of the plane. Once I was in freefall, I shifted into my massive wolf form, tearing apart my clothing into shreds.

The wind whistled past my ears. It barely registered as anything more than another agonizing sound added to the chaos. I didn’t get very far before being snatched up by a dragon’s fist. The grip was suffocating.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” The voice boomed and the dragon brought me up to his face as he examined me. His massive, golden wings beated vigorously, allowing him to hover as he held me. “A lowly little wolf. I wonder what I’ll do with you. Maybe I’ll make an example of you. Just to show everyone how you canine scum keep trying to mix with humans. Or maybe I’ll toss you in with the converts. Either way, I’m getting a promotion.”

I bit down on a finger, then quickly transformed back into my regular “human” form. I managed to wriggle out of the dragon’s hand, and continue falling. I was in a naked freefall down to the surface of the ocean

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