Dragon Diaper Dungeon

This work has been abandoned.
This work has three chapters.

Chapter 1

I knocked on the door. I couldn’t remember the last time I decided to knock. Most of the doors down in this dungeon were overwhelming and dangerous. This one was different. Instead of carved into a stone wall or forged from booby-trapped metal, this one was a nicely carved wooden door. On the floor, there was a “wipe your paws” welcome mat. Set into the wall on either side of the door, a variety of candles glowed softly, illuminating the underground entrance.

“Come in,” a booming, yet kindly voice spoke from behind the door. I looked behind me, down the twisting, underground, dirt and stone passageway. I’d wandered off from my adventuring party to explore, and instead of the average hallway’s disappointing dead end had found this door. The party would probably expect me to return soon, but what was the harm in accepting the voice’s invitation?

The metal doorknob was strangely warm. Not hot, by any means, but it was pleasant compared to the chill air and cold stones I’d become accustomed to down in this dungeon. The door opened easily into a massive stone cavern. The polished stone floor quickly disappeared underneath a patchwork of red and brown rugs just past the entrance way. They were a beautiful alternative to the dingy dirty floors of the dungeon, which rarely seemed like they were professionally carved, much less lined with such fine fabrics.

The cavern was much larger than any other room I’d encountered so far in this dungeon, and it was more spectacular than anything I’d overheard even the most seasoned adventurers discuss when they mentioned this dungeon. The space seemed even bigger the more you looked around with the two converging walls opposite the entrance not quite reaching the ceiling, implying more space behind them. The walls seemed artificial, jutting out at an angle; it was as if someone had split up the cavern into rooms like one would cut up a pie. And what was in between the two walls, at the center of the room? A mountain of gold and trinkets topped by an enormous dragon.

“Do you like my rugs?” The dragon was looking away from me at the top of her treasure pile at something I could not see. “On the occasions where I go above ground, I have a good friend who weaves the most wonderful fabrics.” She looked down at me, as if to gauge my interest in the topic, and her eyes glittered a more vibrant gold than any treasure beneath her could ever dare hope to emulate.

I looked back down at the rugs, intimidated by the creature. All throughout the room, enchanted paper lanterns floated as the sole source of light. I found myself walking closer to the dragon, if only to more closely examine the rugs. Each rug held its own unique design. There were scenes of animals and flowers, alongside abstract patterns of shapes and runes and languages I couldn't understand. From a distance, the rugs seemed to blend together into a soft reddish-brown sea of cloth, but up close, each rug was its own work of art. “They are beautiful. I-” The door slammed shut behind me, causing me to jump.

“I’ll be sure to pass along your praises.” The dragon started walking towards me; arching down from her perch at the top of the treasure pile, and climbing down, jewelry jingling in her wake. “You know, most guests scoff at my door. Sometimes they try to destroy it.” Her scales shimmered in the light of strategically placed glowing rocks and floating lanterns. Every scale was a different shade of brown or gray. “I even used to have a potted plant out front, but adventuring fools kept killing it. One even poured beer on my flowers. Do you know how hard it is to find and maintain flowers that can grow underground?”

“I can imagine that that would be difficult.” This was strange. Very strange. Dragons were quite a rare sight underground. Not only that but these dungeons were known for their hostility. I’d been experiencing it myself, and to be met with such unusual hospitality left me defenseless as I felt compelled to go along with it.

“You’re not the average adventurer, are you? I’m surprised to see someone so fragile so far underground.” I was forced to crane my neck to look up at her now that she was closer. Her massive, golden eyes stared down at me with concern, drawing attention away from her claws; which were as long as I was tall. “Come, rest,” the dragoness gestured with her head to the left of the room.

“My, my party will be looking for me.” I barely believe my own words as focused more on what my attention was being directed towards. The coverage of the rugs stopped short before giving way to textured, dark stone. There was a pool of water set into the floor, surrounded by small fountains of running water and a railing.

“Of course they will be.” The dragon watched as I approached the pool. I stood at the edge of a brown, diamond-patterned rug; staring at the floor. It was textured and sloped; to prevent slipping and to help the water drain back into the pool. “Wouldn’t you rather meet them after having a chance to relax? How long have you been down here, anyway? I don’t doubt that you’re overdue for a bath.”

“Well,” she was right, of course. I couldn’t have exactly gotten this far down into the dungeon in an afternoon. It wasn’t as if my party needed me anyways. There was a minimum requirement to be allowed down here, something about liability, and I’d been picked because I was the only one willing to carry extra supplies. I was in over my head, and I wasn’t about to turn down the comfort being offered up by this dragon. “If you insist.”

“I do.” Her hypnotic voice had already worked its magic, and I was already undressing before she finished those two little words. My bag was dropped to the ground, quickly followed by the leather armor, along with everything else. I neatened the pile, then stepped off of the rug, and quickly made my way over to the railing of the pool.

It was deeper than I initially thought, and there were steps available for me to ease myself into the water. The water was warm and inviting. It was soothing like lemon tea down a sore throat. It was soft and cozy like a clean bed. The edge of the pool was lined with a bench, similar to the style of some outdoor baths. I sat down on the bench near the stairs.

I felt a great relief as the sweat and grime was whisked away via some sort of magical current and down into a grated hole at the bottom of the pool. I’d not realized how much had built up under all that armor, and the floating lanterns drew more attention to just how dirty I’d become. I felt ashamed to have even walked across the fine rugs as I most likely had left footprints of some sort, but the shame was also swept away nearly as soon as it had appeared.

“Hey-” though they were my own words, they were startled out of me when I saw the kindly dragon’s huge golden eyes so close to me.

“Yes, little boy?” She appeared pleased as she watched me so eager to be in the water.

The words in my mind seemed to blur together as I looked at her, so I looked away, back down at the water. “Why are you down here, anyways?” Her reflection stared at me as well. I splashed lightly at the water. “I thought that dragons weren’t a fan of being underground.” It didn’t take long for me to lose track of why I was splashing, and found myself playing with the water. “Why are you living in an old dungeon?”

“You really like asking questions, don’t you?”

“I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t apologize. It’s healthy to ask questions. That’s how you get smarter. Now, it is true that most dragons don’t make their nests underground. However, I am not like most dragons. What difference does it make if my cave is deep underground or carved into a mountaintop? The way I see it, either is good enough; so long as you have an efficient system to dispose of pests, alongside decent ways to treat your guests.”

“Which am I?” I asked, quieting my hands, and looking up at her eyes.

“My guest, of course.” She chuckled lightly. “Silly boy.”

I nodded, looking back down at the water. I waded slightly away from the bench I’d been sitting on, sucked in a great breath of air, then crouched so as to completely submerge my body. I rubbed my hands through my hair until I ran out of breath, then popped my head back out from underwater. It felt clean in a way rarely achieved by soap.

I made my way back to the bench and sat. If someone had told me that I’d be having such a soothing cleanse at the bottom of such fearsome dungeons, I’d have asked them what sort of potions they had access to. I kept trying to think of something else to say, but was unable to do so.

Passively, I wondered if the other party members would search for me. If they’d even noticed or cared that I was gone. I found myself unable to think about such things for long. The memories and thoughts slipped out of my mind alongside the dirt down the drain. The water made me drowsy. I could barely recall what had just happened, and felt as though I was in a dream.

What harm could there be in nodding off? In an upright sleep on the edge of the water? It was safe in the pool. How could it not be with a dragon on guard?

Chapter 2

I opened my eyes with a great yawn. I was lying on my back, and could feel the effects of a sleep better than any rest I could recall. The ceiling was quite far away, though lower than that of the previous area. The rock formations seemed filed away and maintained. A variety of small, glowing lanterns hovered throughout the room, motionlessly emitting a soft, white light.

My back was comfortable, and after rolling over slightly, I discovered I was laying on a soft pink rug. The other new discovery was that rolling over was fun. Soon, I was a giggling mess, rolling over and over, back and forth, on the sprawling plush fabric.

“I’m so glad you’re enjoying yourself.” The voice was that of the dragon’s, however, when I sat up to see where it was coming from, it was from a humanoid. While her form was far smaller than before (though still larger than the average biped) it was still clearly her. A body coated in scales of every shade of gray and brown, golden eyes, and impressively curved horns. Sitting on her knees, there she was on a red rug; watching me.

Her intent stare made me look down at myself, to try and see what she was seeing. I was sitting up with my legs stretched out. My skin was smooth and clean, thanks to the magical bath. The dragon had presumably dried me off as, well, I was dry now. Suddenly, it occurred to me.

“What’s this for?” I asked, pointing down between my legs. I was completely naked save for a thick, white cloth diaper.

“That is in case you need to make a mess.” She explained it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Just protecting my rugs.”

“I don’t need it.” Every word felt like I was talking through a fog. Every syllable took immense concentration. By the time the words left my mouth, I was forgetting what ones came just before. I tried tugging at the edges of the diaper. It wouldn’t budge. It was as if it was glued to my skin.

“Oh, I think you do,” her soothing voice took over my mind, “don’t you, you cute little boy.” I shook my head defiantly before laying back down, trying to pry it off from a different angle. “Don’t you shake your head at me.”

I froze at her commanding voice. Why was I trying to fight back, anyway? I was her guest here. It was more comfortable when I stopped trying to take it off. It was so soft. So thick and comfortable. I wiggled my feet up and down on the rug. Comfy rug. Comfy diaper. What was uncomfy?

There was an uncomfy inside my bladder. I looked back up at the dragon, who was quietly staring and smiling at me, then shyly back down at the floor. I felt my diaper getting wet. It was impossible to even try to remember the last time I had taken the effort to relieve myself.

I sat there, slowly soaking the diaper, feeling my foggy mind grow evermore obscured from the sensation. The discomfort of having to go was replaced with the comfort of doing so. Passively, I realized that I should be embarrassed about the situation. Here I was, a grown man on my back; wetting myself in a diaper, while a dragon watched in amusement. My cheeks reddened, finally catching up to my subconscious thoughts.

It was already too late. The emotions were separate from myself, somehow. Or at the very least overruled by the urge to pat the front of the diaper idly as I smiled, almost forgetting where I was. The outside of the diaper remained bone-dry, surprisingly enough.

“Awww. This is why I like you little humans. So cute and so easily tamed. You’re never leaving my possession.” Her words made their way through the fog, but by the time they made it into my mind, the implications were distorted. I was cute and safe and protected by the nice dragon. “And you don’t ever have to worry about leaking. Not with this special diaper”

“That’s good.” I struggled to pull myself up into a sitting position. It was as if I forgot how. I heard her light laughter as I wiggled on my back before rolling over again onto my stomach. I wasn’t facing the dragon. Something else occurred to me. “What’s your name?”

“You may call me ‘Miss’ if you like.” I heard her standing up. “My real name would be far too difficult for you to pronounce. Especially now that your words are getting all slow.”

“Why special?” I asked, slowly pushing myself into a sitting position, finally managing to face her.

“Very inquisitive boy, aren’t you?” She smiled. “Well there are two things which I will tell you. First, you will never be able to remove this diaper, no matter how hard you try. And second, not only will it never leak, but this diaper will clean itself every few hours. Wouldn’t want you to stay dirty for too long, now would you?”

Chapter 3

I was woken up by someone shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see a blonde woman wearing nothing but a cloth diaper identical to mine. I also noticed that the floating lanterns hovering around the cave were much dimmer, as if imitating the cycle of the sun.

“Wen yoo get here?” She was sitting on her knees, looking curiously at me. I realized that she must be a half-elf, due to her ears and overall face having a pointed quality.

“Today” I answered. My tummy felt funny.

“Dats why i didn’t see you until now.” Her unbroken stare would’ve been unnerving if it were not for the innocent curiosity on display across her face. “Are you still hungry?”

I shook my head. The nap hadn’t been very long, and i’d eaten just before falling asleep.

“Ok.” She slapped the rug, making a cup of juice rise up into existence.

“This is the yummy rug. You can get whatever you want on it. The crumbs will disappear so that there is no mess.” once her explanation was over, she began drinking the juice.

I looked around and saw that Mrs. Dragon wasn’t watching us from her gold pile, but was instead looking at screens too far away to be seen properly.

I pointed, “What’s Mrs. doing?”

“Probably checking for intruders. It’s more convenient to use video surveillance than use magi for her.” Wanna go check it out?” The glass the juice had been in disappeared into the rug.

“Won’t she get upset” I asked


“How do i get up there?” I asked

“Well” a pair of iridescent dragonfly wings sprouted from her back. “I can fly.”

“Are you-?”

“I am half-elf half-fairy” she said proudly. She looked like a toddler who had just learned to count announcing her age.

“I don’t have wings.” Initially, i’d assumed she was hald human before i saw the wings. I supposed it had made sense. Some fairies looked very human-like. “If i had my stuff, i could fly”

“What stuff?”

“If i have some sand, i can use magic to fly” i explained

“Ok” she started crawling away from me. I followed we stopped a few rugs away at a bright yellow rug with various shapes woven in with various shades of yellow. “This rug can make small objects,” she said, sitting back on here knees

“Woah” i sat up on the edge of the rug next to connie, and tapped the rug gently. I pulled my hand back as a small velvet black drawstring bag appeared in front of me. I picekd it up and opened it. “This is perfect” it was full of quartz sand with a few pearls mixed in. three to be exact.

“Show me! Show me!” connie was excited. Her wings started flapping, and soon she was hovering in front of me, eager to see my magic

“Oki!” i looked around for something good for me to cast fly on, then realized a perfect target - my magically sturdy diaper. “Fly” i said in my dumb little baby voice. One of the pearls disappeared, along with a third of the sand as my butt was lifted into the air. It was a surprisingly comfortable position. It felt like i was being gently carried, through i was able to choose my own trajectory. I wobbled in the air a bit as i followed connie, who was excited about seeing this kind of magic. This took some concentration, and my mind was very childlike as i flew. My stomach had been building up pressure since i’d woken up. Unable to hold it in any longer, i released it all. The sound i was expecting was completely muted by the diaper. As was any smell. It also remained clean, dry, and white. Somehow. Iw as grateful for the comfort the cloth brought, it was so soft. It made me feel safe, supported, and clean.

I followed connie up to the top of the treasure pile.

“Why, hello there connie” mrs dragon greeted the fellow diaper butt as she landed her shoulder to rest her wings. “And you, little boy.” i floated next to connie, and waved as mrs looked over at me. “Arent you adorable?” she laughed as i silently nodded in response.

“What’re you doing, mrs?” connie asked the dragon.

“Watching the intruders try to figure out the front door. Don’t worry too much about that. You’ll be safe in the nursery.

I looked up at the screens, now that i was closer, the image was clearer. The gorup of people displayed looked somewhat familiar.

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