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Becoming Cat

This work contains sexual content, psychological torture, human to animal transformation, and mind control.
Do not read if under the age of 18.
This work is consists of only one chapter with a word count of just over 1k.

A scream was let out. This time, to the right. The girl barely reacted. Such noises had become a daily occurrence. She was a simple girl. She liked pink, and dresses, and reading, and all that.

But the problem was, she was terminally ill. The sickness doesn’t matter, but what does matter, is that the orphanage couldn’t keep up with the bills anymore.

That was when the nice men in suits swooped in and made a deal. They would pay off the orphanage’s debts, and in exchange, they would “adopt” the sickly 17-year-old no one wanted.

Apparently, adoption meant being shoved in a concrete room underground. Alone.

The room wasn’t bare. There was plush, soft furniture and carpets. All pink and red. Though it was warm, the girl still felt awkward that she had no clothing in this place. Not that there was anyone to see here.

She had access to food, but how it appeared in the room was a mystery to her. Another thing she barely knew about - every night, she was injected with something while she slept. She knew due to the fresh bandages on her arm every morning.

The girl wasn’t bored in this place. With limited access to the internet, she could consume media on a tablet, but not communicate her imprisonment to others.

There was no charging cable or outlet in the room, but come morning the tablet would always be recharged. This place had cameras, but like everything else, they didn’t take long to get used to.

Though a dull life, she was content after a few weeks. Wake up. Eat. Watch videos. Eat. Do stretches. Play a video game. Eat. Meditate. Go to sleep. It was simple. She had everything she needed, other than human interaction and clothing. She had plenty of space as well. More space than she reasonably needed.

One day, she noticed something. Something gradual which had been taking place. She no longer felt sick, and seemed perfectly healthy. This made her nervous. She’d clearly been treated for her illness, and overall treated well in this place, but there were still the screams of torment which were occasionally heard through the gray walls of the cell. What if they were waiting for her to be healthy to start her own torture?

Somehow, she managed to fall asleep the night of the realization.

In the morning, she was treated to cereal and a carton of milk on the single table present in the room. This was not unusual. What was unusual, was the color of the milk - blue.

After pouring the milk into the cereal, she sat there a bit, debating whether to eat it. Hungry, she quickly caved in, and shoved a spoonful into her mouth. Something about the sweet, thick liquid made her want more, and before long, she’s consumed the entire bowl.

Once it was licked clean, she poured the remainder of the small carton into her mouth. Blue liquid dribbled down her face. She didn’t care.

The girl was left panting after her frenzy.

Slightly embarrassed, she returned to the bed to go on her tablet. Surprising herself, she immediately searched up porn instead of her usual dose of cartoons and social media.

The urge to get off was insufferable and before she could pull up a video she was already touching herself and had dropped the tablet. She fondled her own breasts, and stroked her clit, mind empty of the world. Nothing else mattered.

After cumming a few times, she noticed something was a bit odd. The more she touched her clit, the longer it got. The process started out slow, but soon, it was noticeably several inches long.

Fascinated, the girl kept at it until she had what could considerably be called a penis. It looked strange, however, not like your typical, human penis. Of course, the girl wasn’t familiar with the dicks of animals, so she simply assumed the odd look was due to the unnaturalness of the situation.

Unfortunately for her, that was not the full case.

After a day of playing with herself, briefly interrupted by eating, she fell asleep holding her cock.

In the morning, the girl felt woozy, no longer aroused. She felt unnerved by her newfound appendage, and could barely remember the previous day.

One thing that did jog her memory, however, was the identical breakfast to yesterday. Would she eat it? Who knows what would happen this time.

Deciding to take a chance, the girl quickly scarfed down the cereal. Nothing much happened after, and the girl questioned the results of yesterday.

The third day, the same bowl was there. She ate it, unconcerned. Unfortunately, there was again an effect.

She was horny, for one. Horny like you wouldn’t believe. It was worse than the first time. With the help of her twitching cock, she made a mess of the room again.

But while she wanked, she failed to notice a few changes that slowly morphed her body. Her breasts receded over the course of the day, leaving her entirely flat. She grew harrier. Her face subtly changed shape. It wasn’t until her hands started morphing into paws that she noticed anything. She was no longer able to masturbate properly, and resorted to rubbing herself on various surfaces until she passed out.

In the morning, a bowl of oddly colored milk sat on the floor. The table was gone.

The girl crawled off of the bed, and across the floor to lap up the milk. This came with the final physical changes, but most importantly, it changed her mind. Once a girl, she was now a male cat in heat.

The creature yowled, unsatisfied with what there was to offer, which was really nothing in this room. After about an hour, the door, which had been locked shut this whole time, finally opened.

Through the door, a small cat was pushed through. Well, small compared to the room’s resident. The cat herself was much larger than your average house cat.

Thrilled, the newly changed creature scampered across the room to her. Barely registering that the new cat was borderline unconscious, she forced himself within her.

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