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This work has been abandoned.
This work is consists of only one chapter with a word count of 358.


In a world where social media is made up of brain implants, and notifications come whenever someone thinks about you, Sophie has to deal with an almost uninterrupted silence in her inbox, and an embarrassingly large outbox

Chapter 1

I sat directly behind Mackenzie in class. It was a bit embarrassing, and I always wondered if she payed attention when I thought about her, but ultimately doubted it, as she never talked to me, and the only times I ever got an alert from her, it was just from looking in my general direction.

The class continued as normal, the only alerts I got were from the teacher who thought I wasn't paying close enough attention to the lesson. When the bell rang, I stood up, and left along with all the other students. I dumped my books in my locker, grabbed my lunch bag, and headed to the cafeteria.

I sat alone at my table in the corner. No one else ever wanted to sit next to me. Well, I say I don't care but really I do. Its the other kids that don't care. They think I'm weird, but can't even come up with a reason why that is.

I was eating my sandwich when I heard a soft little "ping." I glanced at the little inbox at the corner of my eye. It was probably just from someone glancing my way, but I checked it anyways. I didn't recognize the name.

"Um, excuse me?" I heard a voice in front of me and looked up to see an unfamiliar face.

"Yes?" I said, surprised.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" she asked gesturing to seat across from me.

"Yeah, of course." I said, a bit surprised.

"Cool." She sat down across from me, and the number at the corner of my inbox was going up. A new chain was formed, and it came from Amy.Watson_16, who I assumed was the person in front of me. "I'm new here," she said as though it wasn't obvious.

"Cool," I said, watching her face. She looked a bit embarrassed, and I knew she caught my thought.

Alphabetical | Genre | Homepage | Year