Truth or Dare

This work has two chapters with a word count of 959.


To his family and the public, Tom is a princess in the futuristic world he's been written into.
To his classmates at the school he sneaks off to nearly every day, he's just your average teenage boy...

Chapter 1

"May I be excused?" I requested, staring at my parents from across the long table where we dined.

My father flicked his wrist, signaling I could go. I shot up from my seat, and left to go to my room. My parents believed that I was going to my private tutor, but they were wrong.

In my room, I quickly pulled off the stupid yellow dress I'd been wearing, and pulled on a pair of jeans, my binder, and an oversized black sweater. I slid my feet into my silvery electromagnetic sneakers, and grabbed my backpack from under my desk. From under my bed, I grabbed my red beanie and hoverboard.

I carefully left my room, and after creeping down a hallway, slipped into an abandoned servants corridor. As the wooden door shut me into the cold stone passage, I reached into the backpack, and removed my phone from one of the smaller pockets. I clicked on the flashlight app, and made my way down the hallway, and out of the castle.

I could've added lighting to the hallway, but then my parents might've noticed, and I really didn't want them up in my business. After a couple of turns, I went through a door that led to an abandoned alleyway. I hit the ON button on the hoverboard, and tossed it to the ground. It bounced in the air slightly, and settled in a spot about half a foot above the cracked sidewalk in front of me.

I stuffed my long, brown hair in the beanie, and secured my backpack on my back. I shoved the phone in the back pocket of my jeans, and jumped onto the hoverboard. It dipped slightly under my weight, and then righted itself, rising higher. My shoes had attached themselves to the board, helping to prevent me from falling off.

I slowly made my way out of the alleyway, and onto the street, where I was soon lost in the bustle of morning commuters. Bending my knees, I helped propel myself upward to the upper layer of the traffic, and was soon speeding though the air to school. When I finally arrived at the school, I made a nosedive of about 40 feet, and leveled out at around 2 feet above the ground.

I cruised forward until I was barely an inch off the ground. I reached down, and poked at the OFF button. I abruptly fell to the ground, but luckily I was well practiced in the art of dismounting a hoverboard, and simply kicked the end of the board, casing the flat oval to jump back into the air and into my hand. I tucked the board under my arm, and headed into the high school building along with a sea of other students.

As I entered, I realized something. I looked around, and quickly made my way through the crowded hallway, and into the bathroom. I pulled my backpack off, and dropped it on the sink counter. I unzipped one of the pockets, and pulled out two cases. One contained a pair of false glasses, and the other one was a device that helped deepen my voice.

"What's that?" I looked to my right and saw the source of the question - a senior applying makeup in the mirror.

I shoved the the device into my mouth, and answered her question with, "My retainer." It looked like one anyways.

She just nodded as I slid on the glasses. I left the room, and headed to my locker. I hung my backpack on the hook, and removed the books that I'd need for my morning classes. I propped my hoverboard against the interior wall. I slammed the locker door, and headed to homeroom.

I walked into the room, and took my seat towards the back. "Hey, Tom." Came a voice from my left. I smiled, my kinda-girlfriend Jennifer.

"Hey Jenny." I kissed her forehead, and hugged her.

She climbed into my lap, and I wrapped my arms around her, she held onto my hands. "Why weren't you online last night?"

Not wanting to tell her that my parents had been keeping me occupied with chores, I simply said, "I fell asleep early and forgot to contact you."

"Figures." She grumbled, pouting.

"I can still come over tomorrow," I reminded her.

"I know. I'm looking forward to it." She said.

We continued talking for a little while, I don't remember what about, and then the bell rang. Jenny reluctantly climbed off of me, and we parted ways as I went to History and she went to Math.

I walked into the classroom, and took my seat towards the middle of the room. After the room filled up, the teacher walked across the front of the room, stopping in the middle.

"Today, class, we're going to be watching a video about blah blah blah...." he continued, but mostly I zoned out, along with most of the class.

The History teacher was the laziest of them all - even more so than the gym teacher. All he did was play 'educational videos'. It was so boring. Well, I could use the sleep.

Chapter 2

At lunch I sat with Jenny as I usually did. At the table, there also sat some of Jenny's friends. They where having a discussion about something, but I wasn't really paying that much attention, as I was focused on Jenny, and Jenny alone.

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