Two if by Land, One if by Sea

This work has been abandoned.
This work has seven chapters with a word count of just under 2k. Due to numerous sloppy rewrites and edits, large portions of content have long since been deleted/removed without being redone, causing its readability to be questionable.


Why would you read this? Don't read this. The only reason this is up is because there are people in this world who are stupid enough to find this coherent and entertainment. I can't even tell what my original intentions for this fucking catastrophe.
This is one of the first stories I attempted to write when I first got on this app. I have made several attempts to edit it, but it just gets worse and worse each time. If you can read this whole thing and truly say that it is "good" or well-written - than I have one question

Note- This was originally posted to Wattpad.

Chapter 1

I sat cross-legged on the sink counter - a location where I had exiled to by my classmates. No-one wanted me in the cafeteria. Whenever someone came to the bathroom, they would smirk at me, glad to see me reduced to sitting on the damp surface as opposed to at a table with everyone else.

It took me the entire 40-minute lunch period for me to eat my lunch. It always did. It's not that I'm a slow eater, I just can't focus on one thing for too long.

When the bell rang, I crushed the small pile of wrappers that had accumulated from my lunch, and tossed them into the trash can as a little plastic-and-paper ball into the can normally intended primarily for paper towels. I grabbed my binder from where I'd left it on the floor, and ran out of the bathroom and down the hallway to science.

I dumped my binder into my locker, relocked it, and left to navigate down the hallway to the exit. I managed to get outside without getting knocked down in the sea of students. I boarded my bus, and slipped into the front seat where I spent the short ride to home.

When I got off at my house, I veered off in a different direction instead of going inside. I headed down the busy street until I arrived at an unused path which led through an abandoned and overgrown park down to the water. There was an old, abandoned dock at the water's edge which I walked onto and sat down at the end, my feet dangled over the water.

I unzipped a pocket of my dark green jacket and pulled out my earbuds. I sighed at the tangled yellow mess which emerged, and slowly untangled them. Once I had the wires straight, I pulled out my phone from the same pocket and plugged in the earbuds.

I tapped on my nightmare playlist, and simply sat there awhile watching the river water slowly moving downstream in the cold weather.


My eyes narrowed at the familiar voice, but I ignored it.


I turned up the volume on my phone, and in response there was a deep and echoey laughter.

That won't keep me out.

I sighed, turned it down and said, "Fine. What do you want?"

You know what I want. The echoey, disembodied voice took on a semi-seductive tone as it tried to persuade me.

"No. No I don't." I tried to play dumb.

Yes you do. Join me.

"No!" I yelled. I stood up, and walked away from the water, retracing the path I'd come. Why did I keep going there? I knew I was going to be met with the voice so what was the point?

The second I entered the house, I was confronted by my mother.

"What the hell were you doing out so late?" she demanded, pretending to care. The only reason she was ever concerning herself with what I was doing was because she needed something to yell at.

"Nowhere," I muttered.

"Go to your room," she growled.

I didn't respond, and just went up to my room, which I was planning on doing anyways. I fell to the floor of my rooms and lay there a while. I was simply glad that the conversation went no further.

I don't know how long I lay there before my older brother came into the room, and placed a bowl of spaghetti next to me on the floor. I shifted my head to look over at it. After staring it down for a short while, I sat up and ate a little bit.

It wasn't too long after when I stood up and climbed into my small bed to lay on the thin mattress. I pulled my arms into my jacket as I shivered in the freezing room.

Chapter 2
Still Monday


Chapter 3

I woke up abruptly to the sound of my phone screaming. I pulled it out of my jacket pocket, and muted the alarm. I rolled out of bed, quite literally, and grabbed my bag. I sleepy stumbled out of the room, and grabbed a handful of granola bars from the kitchen.

For some reason, I made the decision to grab a water bottle. I shoved it into one of the little mesh cupholders on the side of my backpack. As I headed out to the bus stop, I pulled out my phone, which still had my earbuds attached to it.

I stood in wait, slightly apart from the other students, and listened to where the music left off. I waited for the bus to arrive. Once the smelly yellow miserymobile pulled up to the curb, there was a mad dash to climb aboard. I simply walked up to it, and climbed aboard just before the driver closed the doors and pulled away.

I took the seat directly behind the bus driver, and remained there for the duration of the ride to school. I ate a few granola bars, stuffing the empty wrappers back into my pocket. I was grateful for the water, but still confused as to my decision to bring it.

I sat in homeroom, towards the back. I had one earbud in, the other out, and simply watched my classmates interacting. There was Mandy, a pretty little popular girl laughing hysterically about nothing with her friends. A group of boys had moved their chairs so they sat in a circle. Each had their phones out, and they appeared to be playing each other in some kind of multiplayer game.

Everyone else was either frantically doing homework, or quietly texting on their phones. I did none of this, and simply stared ahead. The teachers had long given up on expecting homework from me.

The late bell rang, and was soon followed by the announcements. After the usual, there was a final reminder about the upcoming boat trip. They had one of these every year. I've gone in the past, but there's nothing fun about hanging around on a boat that no one else wants you on.

This year I was just going to stay at home. Or maybe on the dock. Either way, I wasn't going on that trip.

I had lunch in the bathroom again. I always did. This time, I heard a voice. It was the same one from yesterday.

Hello Lori. The voice was quieter than before.

"What do you want?" I asked it.

I wanted to see if you were doing alright. It responded.

"Why do you care?" I asked, remembering something, "You said you've been watching me. Why? For how long? Why are you talking to me now?"

I have not been watching long, do not worry. I talk to you now for you have the opportunity to meet me soon, was the voice's answer.

"When?" I demanded.

Go on the boat trip, was the last thing I heard before someone came into the bathroom.

I ignored them, and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

The classmate looked confused, and went into a stall, ignoring me as well.

I climbed down from the counter and yelled, "What do you mean by that?"

I got no answer.

Chapter 4

I sat on the bus, wondering what I was doing. I'd agreed to subject myself to social torture just for the sake of a voice that disappeared after two days. I was insane, yet the appeal of obeying was strong. Its not like I had anything better to do.

When the bus finally arrived at the large dock where the small cruise ship that the school'd rented was, I was the last one off, despite having sat at the front of the bus.

I boarded the boat, and walked into an interior cabin where people mingled, waiting for the ride to start.
I'm so glad you came, said the voice, here again after such a long time.

I waited until the boat was moving, and most of my classmates had moved to an upper deck before answering. "Where have you been?"

I've been waiting for you to come.

"Why?" I asked.

Go to the top to meet me. Though they didn't specify what they wanted, I stood up, and headed to the top deck of the ship. There was a DJ blaring music, and the others seemed to be enjoying themselves.

I ignored them, and they ignored me. I headed over to the edge of the deck, and leaned against the railing. "What now?" I whispered, wondering what I was doing.

Jump. It was a command attached to a weird allure I had no choice to obey.

I climbed up onto the railing,



Chapter 5
Probably Still Friday

I somehow managed not to hit the side of the boat as I fell, but once I hit the water, I passed out from the pain of falling so far, and the water tension of the surface.

When I regained consciousness, I found myself in an underwater cave. Somehow, I was breathing. I didn't know how, nor did I care. I was propped up against a rock in a kind of a sitting position. I tried standing up, and suddenly a face appeared in my field of view. The face was upside down.

"Hello?" I looked up to see the top half of the upside down creature to be very human-like, and the bottom half to be a long, elegant blue tail.

Hello indeed. The creature smirked, and I recognized the voice to be the one from my head. I guess I wasn't insane after all.

"What am I doing here?" I asked, trying to stand up, not used to the density of the water.

I brought you here. The creature said, not truly answering my question.

"Why?" I managed to balance myself in a sort of standing position against the rock.

Do I really need a reason? The creature floated closer to me, caressed my face, then gently pressed its lips against mine.

I tried to pull away, wanted to pull away, but found that my own body was not under my control. The creature pulled me up, and flipped me around so that we were face-to-face. I wrapped myself around him, confused and scared.

Chapter 6
Does It Matter?

"Are you sure you want to do this?"


"Are you sure? There's still a chance she might live."

"Did you not hear me the first time? I said pull the plug."

Chapter 7
Another Time

I opened my eyes, and looked around frantically. I couldn't see anything - all the surfaces around me were all bright white. After what might've been a minute, I could see a desk in front of me. It was a large wooden desk, and there was a child sitting behind it.

She had long, drown hair, and wore a pink hoodie. The only thing on the desk was a computer screen that she seemed to be focused on. After a moment, she seemed to notice me.

"Hello, Lori. How are you doing today?" she greeted me, smiling.

"How do you know my name?" I demanded.

"It says." She pointed to the screen. "Do you want to know my name?"

I nodded.

"Its Pip."

I nodded again, and looked down at myself.

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