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The Narwhal Boy

This work is consists of only one chapter with a word count of 882.

I walked across the damp floor to the pool ladder, then slowly climbed downward. I continued to climb down the ladder, even when I hit the water.

I when I reached the bottom, I let go of the ladder, and started walking around on the blue tiled floor. I saw a janitor nearby. He was sweeping the pool floor with a broad wooden broom.

"Hello." I greeted him. The man and his green jumpsuit were easily visible through the crystal clear water. "Who are you?"

"Scruffy." He replied, not slowing his sweeping. "A janitor."

I nodded, and continued to walk along the bottom of the otherwise deserted pool. After a little while, the water pressure around me changed dramatically, and I was engulfed in a whirlpool.

I make an attempt to scream, but was stopped by dense saltwater. I closed my eyes and mouth. When I felt the water go back to normal, I opened my eyes.

I looked around to find myself floating a few feet above the bottom of a sandy ocean floor. Surrounding me in every direction spread out an endless expanse of water.

I began to swim around a bit, enjoying myself, when I heard a terrible noise. I spun around in the water searching for the source of the sound. I identified the direction the screaming was coming from, and started swimming towards it, pushing off the ground a few times.

After a few minutes, I found a narwhal that lay on the ocean floor, tangled in a net. Some of the ropes stretched upward to a distant shadow, which could only be a boat.

"Are you ok?" I asked the narwhal.

"Do I look ok?" He replied.

"Fair enough." I grabbed a rope, and the entire net disintegrated. At first, I thought the narwhal would swim away, but one of its flippers was damaged. He was covered by cuts and bruises and rope burns.

I nodded, then grabbed the Massive creature by the tail, and started dragging him across the ocean floor. As time passed, the sand level got higher and higher, and soon we were on land.

I dragged the narwhal out of the water, and laid him on the sand. After about a minute, he was engulfed in gold light. When it dissipated, the narwhal had vanished and a cute boy who looked around my age (which was 8) took his place. He wore a pair of jeans and a tee shirt.

On his left hand, there was a mini narwhal tusk protruding between two knuckles.

"Hello?" He said, confused and regaining consciousness. "Who are you?"

"Come on." I said, not answering his questions. "We are going to my house."

He followed me without any further questions as we walked along the beach. Soon, we warped off the beach and next to a house in the middle of a forest.

We entered the house, and looked around the kitchen.

"You're probably hungry." I remarked. "Hang on, I'll make you some food."

I walked over to the stove, and turned it on. The boy, who - being a narwhal - had never seen a flame before, was fascinated.

The narwhal boy jumped onto the stove, and immediately caught fire. He was smiling, somehow seeming to enjoy being burned alive. He shouted, "Why don't you join me?"

"What are you doing?!" I screamed at him. "You're going to die!" I lunged at him, and dragged him off of the stove.

He looked surprised. "What was I doing?"

"You jumped on the stove." I stated calmly. "AND ALMOST BURNED TO DEATH!!!"

He looked down at his singed clothing. "That was stupid." He looked at the stove, then at me, then back at the stove, then at me, then he jumped onto the stove again.

I grabbed him, and tried to pull him off again. He stabbed me in the gut with his narwhal tusk. I still managed to pry him off. When I did, the fire died, the narwhal regained his consciousness, and I lost mine.

I jolted awake after the truck zipped over a speed bump. I looked to my left, and saw my dad driving the truck. To my right, there was the narwhal boy.


"Shhh." He interrupted me. "We're taking you to the doctor."

I looked down at my blood-covered bikini, and sighed. I was having a pretty bad day.

"Hey!" My dad yelled, pointing at two people who were taking a walk along the side of the road. "I know those people." He pushed down even harder on the gas, and the car lurched towards them. Though the car was going much faster than the people were walking, the two figures always seemed out of reach. The car screeched off the road and hit a tree.

I jolted awake and looked around frantically. I calmed down when I saw the janitor. I was back at the pool. I looked around, and saw that the pool was devoid of water.

I gestured at the empty space. "You cleaned the pool?"

He nodded and said calmly, "You need to wake up, its time to go to school."

I sighed, and looked around. After a moment, the pool dissolved into my bedroom ceiling.

And I got up.

And had breakfast.





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