Servant of Time

This work has been abandoned.
This work has three chapters with a word count of just over 1.1k.


Tricky was once a human scientist. She wanted to design a robot like no other, and succeeded. She tried to create a flawless AI, but unfortunately, creating a brain is harder than creating a highly advanced robot. Tricky kept the AI personality, but she also uploaded her own brain to the robot. Tricky, and TrickyPointZero now share the same robotic body.
The robot was first taken by a human government for government-use. Tricky and TrickyPointZero escaped, and started traveling the universe. They were approached by a humanoid claiming to be a Servant of Time, who supposedly traveled throughout realities to fix paradoxes, and punishing people who illegally attempted time-travel. The humanoid said that Time was looking for another Servant, and offered the job to Tricky.
Tricky agreed, and she has been traveling throughout the universe, helping Time flow in the right direction, and preventing universes from crumbling.

Chapter One

After running down corridors for the past few minutes, I stopped - having found the airlock. I turned so that I was facing the keypad, and punched in the code to open the door.

It opened, and I looked back down the way I came at my pursuer. He identified as

security guard

He slowed when he saw that I'd stopped. His gun was out. "I will not ask you again. Who are you?"

I looked directly at the gun. "Is that supposed to be a threat?"

"What?" he looked confused.

"Never mind." I shrugged, "I might as well answer you question, seeing as how you are about to die."

"What?" He was confused by my behavior.

"My name is TrickyPointZero." I told him, "And 91 of the people on this spaceship are charged with crimes against Time. Said ship is going to terminate in approximately 47 seconds - and counting. I apologize that you, and the other security guards - most of which had no knowledge of what was occurring are going to die as well. Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to flush myself out of this airlock. Bye."

I stepped into the airlock, shut the internal door, then opened the external door. I activated my hoverfeet - hyping up the propulsion so that they would work in the vacuum of space. I shot across space, away from the ship.

Unfortunately, I didn't get far enough in time, and got hit in the leg by a large piece of the ship. It left a large gash in my lower left leg. A few wires were damaged, and it defiantly needed repairs. I scanned the nearby area, and decided to teleport to the nearest space station.

I needed to recharge as well. I'd been working for a while. I needed to fix my hand, too. I needed a full tune-up, really.

Anyways, I teleported...

Chapter Two

I scanned the area to find the nearest space station. Luckily, it wasn't too far. My teleport was running out of charge, and if I was any farther from the station, I wouldn't have made it.

I teleported into a bathroom, and the humanoid washing her hands was a bit surprised at my sudden appearance. My interface identified them as


"Where did you come from?" Yur demanded.

"Approximately 739 miles that way." I pointed in the general direction of where I'd previously been.

"Why didn't you use a teleportation port?" Yur asked.

"Because those require identity checks." I stated. "Also, I can't connect with ports. They aren't compatible with my program."

"Not compatible with your program?" Yur looked at my damaged leg, then back at my faced. "You could get dismantled if you avoid identity checks like that, you know?"

"I'll be fine." I smiled, pleasantly.

"Whatever. Not my problem." Yur left, muttering about her hatred for AIs.

I watched them go out, then turned my attention to my left hand. It had a few small holes, and a wire was sticking out. I looked down at my leg - it was really bad.

I sighed, and grabbed my hair, holding it up like it was in a ponytail. Instead of letting the long purple locks fall back down, I quickly tied them up with a rubber band that I had around my right wrist.

I turned, and walked out of the bathroom, and into the space station. It was full of people. I easily avoided bumping into anyone, and headed straight to a shop haphazardly labeled SPARE PARTS. I walked through, analyzing the inventory. It was well-stocked, but didn't have most of what I needed. However - there was some electrical tape that could fix my leg and hand temporarily. Also, there was a full stock of Genegy packs that would power a couple teleportation jumps.

I took all of them, along with the tape. I also grabbed a pack of hendar jerky. You never know when that might come in handy. I dumped everything on the check-out counter.

The bored humanoid scanned them in. "That'll be 64 credits." He boredly proclaimed. I pressed my thumb on the screen, and the fake identity I created for that particular print layout showed up on the screen. The man dumped my purchase into a plastic bag.

"Thanks." I said, overly cheerful.

"Whatever." He went back to staring at whatever was on the screen in front of him, not suspicious of anything.

I left, and went back to the bathroom. I swung my injured leg onto the counter, and carefully applied the tape. The wires were reconnected, and my leg was covered with blackish-grey streaks of tape. I used the remainder of the tape to secure my hand.

I swung my leg back down and tested it. My interface seemed that it would be suitable for the time being.

I hiked up my shirt, and remotely opened a panel just above my right hip using my interface. I removed a Genergy package from the bag, unwrapped the cover (which immediately disintegrated) and inserted the Genergy bar into the cavity just above my right hip. I repeated this short process with the other 19 Genergy packets.

It would take four packets for one jump, so I was ok for five jumps.

Chapter Three

I brought up the teleportation statistics on my interface, and tried to determine the right location to jump to.

I settled on the space station where my employer told me to meet them.

Author's Note

This story has been discontinued. I'd been having trouble figuring out a plot I came up with, and this was one attempt. If you would like to read what I think is a better version of the story, read 42.

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