Seeking Sunshine

Author's Note
This story is being discontinued, because I just realized that it would end up stupid and full of plot holes.
This work has three chapters with a word count of just over 1.2k.

River doesn't want the pressure of being forced to be in charge of her pack, and doesn't want to marry a false mate, so she runs away to find true love.

(River pov)

I opened my eyes, and quietly sat up. In my hand was my phone. Connected to it, were a pair of earbuds, quietly playing music into my ears on cue. I had programmed my phone to wake me up at 2a.m. and, of course, it did.

I climbed out of bed, carefully avoiding making any noise. I had gone to sleep wearing a pair of grey sneakers, dark blue jeans, a white tee-shirt, and a black hoodie. I picked up my brown leather pre-packed backpack off of my desk, and shoved my phone into it - after turning it off. Then, made my way over to the window.

I slipped my fingers underneath the window, and gently pushed it up. I swung one leg over the sill, then the other. I dangled by my fingers for a few seconds, then let go, landing softly on the ground below.

I sniffed the air, and listened carefully to my family members inside. They were still asleep. Good.

I dashed around the side of the house, and approached my truck.

I slipped the key in the lock, then climbed in. I dropped my backpack on the passenger seat, and moved the key to the ignition.

I pulled out of the driveway, and headed straight out of town. I didn't stop driving until I was out of Maine. I was halfway through New Hampshire when I decided to stop for gas.

While the gas tank was refilling, I headed into the convenience store bathroom with my backpack on my shoulder. I took out a pair of scissors first. I held up my long, brown hair in the mirror, and began to hack away at it.

When it got fairly short, I put away the scissors, and took out my electric buzzer. I'd bought it at the store just a week before. There was a wall socket next to the sink, which in used to plug it in. I brought the buzzer to my head, evening out what hair was left into a stylish buzz cut. I left it a bit longer at the top.

When I was done, I turned off the buzzer, and ran my hands over my head. I put the buzzer away, and headed back to the car. I got in, and kept driving.

Chapter 1
(Dawn pov)

I walked out of the restaurant with a takeout bag swinging from my arm. In my hand, my phone was displaying google maps.

I was staying in NYC with my parents and brother for the weekend, and had no idea how to get around such a busy place. I'd gone down to a Thai restaurant, and had gotten lost on the way back to the hotel.

I was looking around in frustration, when suddenly, someone asked, "Need some help?" She was tall, with black hair that looked buzzed short, a backpack, a fancy bracelet, and a big smile.

"Yes." I replied, wondering who she was. "Who are you?"

"My name is River." She glanced down at my phone. "Where are you trying to go?"

"Whyyyy?" I asked hesitantly.

She frowned slightly. "I want to help."

"Okayyy." Something was strange about her. It seemed like I knew her from... somewhere? "I'm trying to get here." I moved the map, and zoomed into the hotel I was staying at.

"This way." She grabbed my wrist, and started pulling me in the opposite direction I'd been walking. She was really strong, and I had no choice but to follow her.

After a variety of confusing twists and turns, we arrived in front of the hotel.

"How did did you do that?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Would you like me to escort you inside?"

"Umm. Sure." I agreed. This time she followed me. We walked inside and into an elevator. When we got to my floor, I turned to the strange girl and said, "I don't even know your name."

She cocked her head to the side, and seemed to be thinking. "River." She said, finally. "My name is River."

"Nice to meet you River. I'm Dawn." I started walking away towards my room. "Thanks for the help."

I pulled the key out of my pocket, and unlocked the door to my room. As I entered, I said, "I've got food!"

My brother appeared almost instantly. I handed him his order, and took my own take out box. I went over to the adjoining room, leaving the rest for my parents.

My brother managed to get ahold of the remote, forcing me to watch South Park.

Not that I minded....

Chapter 2
(River pov)

After Dawn went into her room, I followed her, and sat down in the hallway, my back leaning against the wall next to the door to her hotel room. I sat their staring at my bracelet.

It had a large stone in it - and for as long as it had it - it was white. After I had touched Dawn, an unknown random person in the middle of the writhing mass that was humanity - it'd turned blue.

The bracelet had been given to me a long time ago, as a child, by the healer of my pack. She said that it had a special spell. The spell was when the wearer met his or her soul mate - the stone would change to blue to alert the wearer of their presence. Almost all werewolves wore such stones. However, few changed color. Quite often, soul mates would be placed on opposites sides of the earth. Fate was also known for making it very difficult for you to find your soul mate.

Had I finally found my mate? I really hoped I did. I was surprised to do so so soon after beginning my search, but I supposed I had. Just to be safe, I was going to stay outside her hotel room, then follow her when she left, that way, she would be safe.

Chapter 3
(Dawn pov)

My brother and I were sharing a hotel room. We each had our own bed. They both sat side by side facing the tv. At one point, I got up to take a quick shower, and change into a pair of pajamas.

When I returned, I discovered there to be less chicken in my take out box than their had been when I left. I didn't say anything, and instead glared at my brother.

He gave me a mocking look - which quickly turned into one of surprise. "When did that happen?" He asked, concerned about something.

"What?" I asked, confused.

He walked over to me, and pointed at my shoulder. "That."

I looked awkwardly down at my shoulder, to find it encircled with a faint bruise. I looked back up at my brother. "I have no idea what that is."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure." I couldn't think of anything I might've done recently. "It's probably just nothing."

"Ok." He agreed reluctantly.

"Ok." I finished eating the remains of my takeout, and tossed the container in the trash. I turned off the lights, and returned to my bed.

From across the room, my brother complained about it, so I turned off the tv, and told him I needed to sleep.

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