
This work has been abandoned.
This work has four chapters with a word count of just over 3k.
Scroll to the end for an old draft.

Chapter One

"What do you think she'll be like?" Mia asked Sprite.

"I don't know," responded the little purple dragon who sat to the right of Mia, "I've heard she's pretty stuck-up"

"You never know." Mia said in defense of the princess.

"True." Sprite sighed. "You're always looking for the best in people."

The two sat there, on the roof of the castle, watching the path leading up to it for the incoming Royal Procession. They didn't talk much, they'd known one another for so long there wasn't really anything to talk about. It was a warm summer evening, and they were content in simply watching and waiting for the guests to arrive.

It was quite an event. There were extravagantly decorated horses, and even the servants wore fancy dress. Not that there were many servants, the receiving kingdom was expected to provide them. The colorful Sprite was able to see more fine details in the procession. He noticed shiny earrings and colorful dresses while the human beside him could only see a mass of colors at this distance.

"They're here." Mia said as they drew close enough that she could see details.

"We should probably get down." Sprite suggested.

Mia nodded, then pulled up her legs from where they dangled over the edge, stood up, and walked further onto the roof where Sprite had moved to.

She climbed onto his back, and sat down between his head and large, red wings. As Sprite took a few steps forward, Mia gently grabbed onto two of the large yellow horns on the top of his head. The creature jumped up and off of the roof where he then glided around the giant, sprawling castle complex before landing in the courtyard near the servant's entrance.

Sprite flew off, not allowed inside and Mia ran though the castle until she got to the guest chambers. She stood outside the door of the room intended for the visiting princess, and after just a brief moment she could hear a familiar voice.

"...and this is where you'll be staying." It was the Endron prince - the third most important resident of this castle.

"Who is she?" the Kolten princess asked as she pointed at Mia.

"This is Mia, and she will be your personal servant for your stay," said the prince, smiling at the sight of Mia.

"Pleased to meet you, milady." Mia gave a little curtesy, despite the fact that she did not wear a skirt - just a pair of light brown trousers. She blushed as the prince remembered her name. He always did, but it was nice to know that he still remembered. He did have a lot of names to memorize, and she was one of the least important ones.

The princess had a pair of beautiful transparent wings the color of glass, and chocolaty-brown hair that framed her perfect face. She wore a silky blue dress, simple yet elegant. Like all fairies, she wore no shoes.

She didn't say anything to Mia, simply gave her a judgemental look before entering the room, and closing the door behind her.

The prince sighed slightly, then said to Mia, "You'll have to get her things."

"What?" Mia looked away from the door over to the prince.

"From the entrance." He gestured in the general direction of the grand entrance with his head.

"Ah. Right." Mia nodded to the prince, then left down the hallway, slipping into the servants' hallway, which was much quicker. She continued down the familiar twisting passageways until she reached the entrance room.

There were many unfamiliar servants and other persons walking around, and there were many boxes and bags by the doors of the personal belongings of many of the visitors.

"Excuse me." Mia asked one of the unfamiliar-looking servants.

"What?" he politely answered, almost gleefully putting down the heavy chest that he carried.

"I was wondering if you could point me to the princess's luggage?" Mia asked.

"Over there." He pointed at a small pile across the room. Once he was sure that Mia knew where it was, he begrudgingly lifted the chest again, and headed away from the room.

"Thank you." Mia called after him as she jogged across the room to where the princess's belongings were, avoiding running into anyone.

She stopped in front of the small pile, and first picked up the small chest. She sighed, and got to work. Why couldn't the princess take her own things? Well, Mia knew why. At least she didn't have to work in the stables. That would be a nightmare.

Chapter Two

Mia took the bags up to the Kolten princess's room. The princess made her put everything away.

When she was completed, Mia asked, "Will that be all?"

"Yes, but wait by the door until I need something else," the princess ordered.

Mia complied. After a short while, she asked, "What is your first name?"

"My first name?" the princess echoed.

"I mean, I know that you're from the Kolten family, but I don't know your name. I think it would be useful if I knew it," Mia explained.

"I don't see why you need to know it when you're just going to be calling me 'Milady.'" The princess gave her a look that said that she should probably address her as simply that.

"Sorry, milady."

The two remained in silence as the Princess read a book, waiting to be invited down to dinner. When a servant came to announce that she was to attend with the rest of the royalty, she put down her book and was escorted down by Mia. Mia, being both human and a servant was not allowed to eat with them. She ate in a separate room with the rest of the servants, at least those who were not helping out during the meal.

When everything was over, Mia escorted the princess back to her room. She dismissed her and she left the castle. Mia found Sprite, who'd been waiting for her, and climbed onto his purple back. They flew, circling the massive castle before heading off across the forest. The trees were a beautiful variety of greens and purples, far better than the tainted jungles that made up the human world.

They landed in a clearing at the bottom of a waterfall. Mia slid off of Sprite and took off her shoes. She ran around in the pale green grass that glowed slightly in the moonlight. Mia breathed the crisp clean air, and ran to the water to watch the rainbow of creatures swim. There were blue and red lobsters, there were black water bugs, there were yellow and orange fish, green water fae, and purple crabs.

Mia sat down on a massive grey stone, and let her feet dangle in the clear water. As far as she knew, no one else came to this area. Mia pretty much lived here when she wasn't working at the castle. When it rained, there was a nearby cave that she would sleep in. Otherwise, she would lie out under the twinkling stars.

The reason why the Fairies kept her as a human was so that she would be able to infiltrate the human world to bring back individuals to be transformed, but there were days like this where Mia didn't want to ever return to the filthy modern world. Why couldn't they just change her and have her help with taking down airplanes for them instead of keeping her wingless? Mia sighed, wishing that fairies had the ability to alter their appearances like in the stories.

It was almost depressing, those days when she went back to the cities of my people, seeing all the litter and destruction. Mia was so glad that the Fairies took me when she was young to live in their society. Though it did suck that she was so low on the social ladder.

Mia was just lying down to go to sleep, when she saw someone flying towards her . It was the princess!

"What are you doing here?" Mia asked. Quickly remembering, she added on, "Milady."

"What are you doing here?" she echoed. "Shouldn't you be in your room on standby or something?"

"I live here." Mia stated flatly, standing up. "I think it's appropriate that you answer my question too. Why would a princess be so far from the castle?"

She glared at Mia a bit before giving in. "I wanted to get some fresh air. Get away from the pressures of the castle and stuff. I mean, I just wanted to stretch my wings is that alright?" She sounded flustered and defensive.

"Ok, ok, its alright." Mia laid back down. "Do what you want."

It was quiet for a bit, but then Mia heard her say, "Is that a dragon?"


"What is it doing here?"

"He's my friend. His name is Sprite." Mia explained. "Could you please be quiet?" She know she was being rude, but she was tired.

"Alright then."

Mia soon fell asleep.

Chapter Three

Mia awoke to the sound of birdsong.

Once she was up, she stripped down and bathed in the lukewarm river. When Mia was done, she dressed again and found her shoes. Sprite took her up and all the way back to the castle. The wind that came from riding him dried Mia's hair.

When Mia came into the castle to the princesses room, she found that she was asleep. Mia went to close the door and exit the room again when the newly awoken princess said, "You're up early."

"Yes." Mia responded, not sure what to say.

"You should be getting ready to leave," she ordered, "All the humans today are supposed to be going to human cities to get people to be converted. Its a move to expand our two kingdoms along with the marriage. I myself will even be participating with bringing down a plane."

"Are you sure you will not require any aid this morning, Milady?" Mia confirmed. She was a bit confused, not having heard about this event beforehand.

"I can dress myself." The princess was annoyed.

"Alright then." Mia left the room, and headed out to where myself and the few other human servants gathered. Not being as strong as the fairies and lacking magic, we were tasked with getting children. In the past Mia had gotten children from playgrounds and walking home from school. She wasn't one of the individuals tasked with taking care of newly changed humans, but perhaps one day she would be.

After waiting a while, a couple of fairies showed up. They would be supervising the humans. Most of the other fairies were going elsewhere on this event to attack some planes that were scheduled to fly today.

There were a few dozen humans and for every five humans there was. A fairy. They were split up into the groups of five and orange vials were distributed among us. These vials would give us temporary magical abilities. Mia couldn't wait until she was turned into a fairy and could use magic full-time.

The fairy in charge of her group created a portal for us to go through. It led out near a parking lot at a grocery store. There were security cameras, but she wasn't too worried about them. It wasn't as if Mia could be tracked down by humans.

The others ran off, but Mia stayed, and looked through the cars to find any children that might've been left in the car. It didn't take her too long to find one. It was a little boy, napping in the backseat. Using magic, Mia unlocked the car door. Gently, she reached in and removed the child. She then yote the child up into the air where it was caught by the telekinetic magic of the fairy above.

Mia continued, finding two more toddlers, a baby, and finally a teenager. The teenager was the hardest to get, being awake and around my size. She had to make her pass out, and had dragged her onto the ground. Luckily, no one noticed as the car was off in a corner. The fairy created a portal underneath the teenager to take it away to processing.

Mia left the parking lot, and searched for more children. She found some in a few shops, and even more in a park. It was harder to get them away in the park. She had to wait for the moment the parents looked away, then magically lure them away through telepathic magic. She made them think that she was their mothers and fathers and was calling for them.

One of the trickiest ways to capture a child was to walk along busy sidewalks and invisibly grab the hands of little kids, pulling them away from their parents just so in a way that neither of them really noticed that anything was amiss until it was too late. There was one or two parents that clutched tighter to their children and weren't distracted enough not to noticed that Mia was there. Well, they didn't notice that Mia was there, but they were definitely instinctively suspicious.

Once the fairy was satisfied by the number of children that they'd all gathered (and the magic potion had worn off) they were brought back to the castle through a magic portal. They stood and waited as all the other groups were brought back.

The fairies listed off the names of the members of each group that brought back the most humans. Mia was ecstatic when her name was called. This meant that she would be allowed to shadow a fairy as they went back to a different town and captured families this time.

That evening, Mia was shrunk down and placed on the shoulder of one of the fairies. It was a different one from the one that had taken her out earlier. She carried her around as she captured over twenty families from their homes to be transformed into fairies. Mia didn't fully understand the process that took humans and turned them into fairies, but Mia was looking forward to eventually learning.

Afterwards, there were celebrations. There always were on nights that everyone qualified went out to capture humans. The children without families, and those who were alone on planes were publicly announced and assigned to residents to become accustomed to the new environment.

Mia couldn't believe it when she was announced to take care of a little girl of around ten years old. Mia was 19, a bit older than most others who first took on newcomers, but she was glad to have someone. Mia took the girl with me and Sprite off to my area that she lived. The little girl was named Claire.

Claire was excited about the magically beautiful location, and waded a bit into the water. They danced and played for a while before going to sleep.

Claire asked Mia, "Will I ever see my mommy again?"


Chapter Four

Claire was a sweet little girl with long blonde hair. The wings she'd acquired upon being changed were golden, and too small to support her weight yet. They were shaped like dragonfly wings. They fluttered as she got excited over the magic that surrounded herself and Mia.

She was especially excited over Sprite. She marveled at his yellow horns and red wings and repetitively climbed over his purple body. Sprite didn't mind, happy to play with the child.

They flew on Sprite back to the castle for breakfast, and Mia found that she'd been relieved of my duties by another servant. Mi also now was required to eat in the room where those humans with newly changed wards ate.

Claire had some fun playing with the other children, and before they left. Mia took her on Sprite for a tour of the fields and layout of the castle and it's kingdom. She showed her the residential area, the servant's quarters, and the fields where dragons were trained.

Eventually they landed back in Mia's clearing and Claire asked her, "I love this place, but why do I have to be here?"

"Well the fairies need more people to be among them. We also need less human beings in the world. That is why the three races work to capture as many humans as possible and bring them into their respective worlds." Mia explained.

"Three races? What is there other than fairies?" she asked.

"Well there are us, the werewolves, and the merpeople." Mia explained. "Each of us work at capturing ships and planes and groups of people to join our respective ranks."

"Why?" she inquired.

"Because the humans are ruining the Earth, and we must show them our ways." Mia was going to say more, but was interrupted by a shadow overhead. She looked up and saw that it was the princess.

Claire ran up to her, saying, "Hello, who are you? Are you a friend of Mia?"

The princess landed, and the she began to walk away from them.

"So what are you doing here, princess?" Mia asked.

"She's a princess?" Claire asked, surprised, pointing as she walked away.

"Yeah," Mia confirmed. She cupped her hands around her mouth, though it was unnecessary. They weren't far from each other. "So what are you doing here?"

She turned around, "I like the area, ok? Why do you even get to hang around here in such a nice place, you lowly human servant?"

Offended, Mia pointed over at Sprite. "He likes it here, and where he goes, I go. Since I'm friends with a dragon, the prince doesn't care what I get up to as long as I do my job. And right now, that job is taking care of this newbie. Thank you for your time, but I think you'd best be going now."

"How dare you speak to me that way!" she was mad. "I am your superior in both rank and species you will not address me in this manner."

"Then why don't you get ahold of some of that changing juice for me?" Mia gave her a look. "Maybe then I'll be grateful enough to be polite."

"I just might." She looked a bit annoyed. She didn't want to give Mia something she wanted, but Mia could tell that she hated the fact that there was a human like her around.

"I'd appreciate that. It would make it easier to take care of this one." Mia gestured towards Claire.

The princess didn't respond, and instead flew to the other side of the pond.

Mia sighed and sat down on the ground.

Bonus Content

Old Draft

Check out this old version of the story!

Mia is a human teen working at a castle in a fairy-run kingdom located in a magical world hidden from most humans in earth.

Chapter One

"What do you think she'll be like?" Mia asked Sprite.

"I don't know." Responded the little purple dragon who sat to the right of Mia. "I've heard she's pretty stuck-up"

"You never know." Mia said in defense of the princess.


The two sat there, on the roof of the castle, watching the path leading up to it for the incoming royal procession. They didn't talk much, they'd known one another for so long there wasn't really anything to talk about. It was a warm summer evening, and they were content in simply watching and waiting for the guests to arrive.

"They're here." Mia stood up and pointed at the slowly growing dot in the distance.

"We should probably get down." Sprite suggested.

Mia nodded, then pulled up her legs from where they dangled over the edge, stood up, and walked further onto the roof where Sprite had moved to.

She climbed onto his back, and sat down between his head and large, red wings. As Sprite took a few steps forward, Mia gently grabbed onto two of the large yellow horns on the top of his head. The creature jumped up and off of the roof where he then glided around the giant, sprawling castle complex before landing in the courtyard near the servant's entrance.

Sprite flew off, not allowed inside and Mia ran though the castle until she got to the guest chambers. She stood outside the door of the room intended for the visiting princess, and after just a brief moment she could hear a familiar voice.

"...and this is where you'll be staying." It was the Endron prince - the third most important resident of this castle.

"Who is she?" the Kolten princess asked as she pointed at Mia.

"This is Mia, and she will be your personal servant for your stay," said the prince, smiling at the sight of Mia.

"Pleased to meet you, milady." Mis gave a little curtesy, despite the fact that she did not wear a skirt - just a pair of light brown trousers.

The princess had a pair of beautiful transparent wings the color of glass, and chocolaty-brown hair that framed her perfect face. She wore a silky blue dress, simple yet elegant. Like all fairies, she wore no shoes.

She didn't say anything to Mia, simply gave her a judgemental look before entering the room, and closing the door behind her.

The prince sighed slightly, then said to Mia, "You'll have to get her things."

"What?" Mia looked away from the door over to the prince.

"From the entrance." He gestured in the general direction of the grand entrance with his head.

"Ah. Right." Mia nodded to the prince, then left down the hallway, slipping into the servants' hallway, which was much quicker. She continued down the familiar twisting passageways until she reached the entrance room.

There were many unfamiliar servants and other persons walking around, and there were many boxes and bags by the doors of the personal belongings of many of the visitors.

"Excuse me." Mia asked one of the unfamiliar-looking servants.

"What?" he politely answered, happy to have an excuse to put down the massive personal chest he carried.

"I was wondering if you could point me to the princess's luggage?" Mia asked.

"Over there." He pointed at a small pile across the room. Once he was sure that Mia knew where it was, he lifted the chest again, and headed away from the room.

"Thank you." Mia called after him as she jogged across the room to where the princess's belongings were, avoiding running into anyone.

She stopped in front of the small pile, and first picked up the small chest. She sighed, and got to work.

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