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This work has been abandoned.
This work is consists of only one chapter with a word count just over 1k.
Note- The Wattpad version is longer.


Eight is just your typical rebellious shape-shifting asexual teenager.
Wait... what?
Follow Eight as she dodges responsibility and a being who's under the impression that Eight belongs on another planet.

Chapter 1

I felt a poking on my arm. I swatted at it, which resulted in me getting slapped in the head. I opened my eyes and raised a fist. Before I could do anything, I noticed that the classroom was empty. I'd fallen asleep and missed the bell. Again.

"Get up." That was Jeff - the one poking me. He'd taken it upon himself to make sure I didn't stay in school too long after my every-other-daily geometry class nap. The teacher doesn't care. Really I should think of setting an alarm clock on my phone for sometime before the school closes for the janitors go home, but that wouldn't be as effective as Jeff. There was the problem of him maybe getting sick or something, but I wasn't going to worry about that till it happened.

I slid out of the seat, landing on the floor. I dragged myself up by grabbing the desk and once standing, reached out my arms in a stretching yawn. I grabbed my binder out of the desk, and headed out of the classroom.

"Thanks!" I yelled back to Jeff as I walked down the hallway, made a turn, and arrived at my locker. I opened it, dropped off my binder, then grabbed my phone, wallet, and bottle of Sprite from the top shelf. I stuffed the wallet into the back pocket of my pants, zipping the pocket shut. I shoved the drink into the kangaroo pocket of my oversized black hoodie.

I slammed the locker shut and absentmindedly clicked the lock back into place as I waited for my phone to turn on after having been off all day. By the time it recovered, I was out the door. I tapped in my password, and checked my messages. Nothing much. All I did was send a snap to continue a streak before shoving the phone into the pocket where my wallet resided.

I walked down the busy street, sticking close to the side of the towering buildings that lined it. I sipped my soda as I made my way to my house. All around me, people were walking to their various destinations, bundled up in hats and jackets to shield themselves from the crisp early November air.

After walking for a while, I ended up in front of probably my favorite location in the world - Lion 'n cakes. A pastry shop that sells stuffed lions and - more importantly - food. I headed to the cash register.

"What would you like today, Eight?" he asked, happy to see a regular.

I looked around for a moment before selecting a small chocolate pie. After I bought it and left the store. I made my way down the street, quickly turning into an alleyway. I looked around, focusing on the fire escape. Holding tightly onto the pie in my left hand, I ran up to the escape. I jumped and grabbed onto the side of the bottom platform.

I dangled a bit before kicking up my feet to pull myself up onto the platform. Once I was standing again, I climbed up the stairs and ladders till I got to the roof of the tall apartment building. Once there, I made my way over to the edge where I sat down with my legs dangling off the edge.

I opened the box and pulled out the pie. It was slightly squished from me holding onto it too tight, but it was still good. I sat there awhile, watching the slowly darkening city while snacking on the crispy chocolaty goodness. Once I was finished, I pulled out my Sprite. I was taking a swig of it when I felt a vibration against my butt. I pulled out the phone, and held the home button. The device identified my fingerprint and the screen shifted to show messaged.

where r u

I sighed and texted back;

Almost home, mom. Don't worry.

I shoved the pie box and soda bottle back into my pocket, then headed back to the fire escape. I made my way back down. After a couple detours, I eventually ended up outside of the apartment building I called home. I entered the building, and went up to my apartment. I unlocked the door and the second I opened the door I was met with my mother staring intently at me.

"What?" I protested in response to the never-ending glare.

"Where have you been?" she demanded.

"Its not even that late," I avoided the question. I haven't really been doing much but what I did wasn't her business.

"Its 8:30," she stated, arms crossed.

"It is not." I pulled out my phone, clicked it on and continued with, "Yes it is. Why is it 8:30?"

"The passage of time," was my mother's response.

"True." I thought a minute. It was already getting dark by the time I left school. Jeff must've been distracted and waited longer than usual to wake me up. I might have to consider setting an alarm clock.

"Go to your room," she ordered.

It was my turn to glare as I groaned in exasperation then grumbled incoherently as I went to my room. My mom didn't care what I did, as long as I got home from school at six and stayed at home for at least an hour. If I couldn't do that I got grounded for three days. Not my fault I'd rather be relaxing eating pie over doing homework.

I entered my room. After closing the door behind me, I jumped onto my bed, landing on my stomach. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and started aimlessly scrolling through Instagram. After nearly an hour of scrolling and a couple Clash Of Clan battles. I rolled off the bed to plug in the phone to charge.

I considered taking a shower, but settled for just going to sleep.

Alphabetical | Genre | Homepage | Year