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This work has been abandoned.
This work is consists of only one chapter with a word count of 977.


After causing a procrastination loop, Ash accidentally lands themself and their girlfriend Sam in a government facility in the May 23, 3877.

Chapter 1

Ash dropped the small paper bag containing their lunch onto a table, before continuing to walk throughout the cafeteria, and over to the drink vending machine. They dug out a dollar from their pocket, straightened it out, then slipped it into the the money feed. After the money was accepted, they punched in the code for their desired Snapple. The machine's arm slid across the array of drinks before finding the drink and bringing it down to the collection bin.

Ash snatched up the cold can, then returned to where their lunch remained. They sat down and removed their peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

As they were about to begin eating the food, Sam had entered the cafeteria. She scanned the room, searching for her green-shirted enbyfriend. After spotting Ash, she ran across the room, and grabbed onto Ash's shoulders shouting, "HEY!"

"Hi Sam." Ash greeted her not needing to turn their head to confirm their identity.

"Can I have those?" she asked, pointing at the chip back peaking out from the opening of the paper bag.

"Knock yourself out." Ash grabbed the bag, and held it up over their head. Sam snatched the bag out of their hands, then sat down in the seat next to Ash with a thump. "How was creative writing?" Ash asked before taking a bite out of their sandwich.

"Awful as usual." Sam sighed. She'd signed up for the elective expecting something simple that would earn her an easy A - but instead ended up in a difficult class which required the ability to come up with stories on the spot.

"Any interesting new assignments?" Ash asked jokingly.

"No." Sam smirked slightly. She pulled open the chip bag.

Ash thought for a moment before rephrasing the question. "Any boring new assignments?"

"Yeah. We have to write about what we think life will be like in 100,000 years technology-wise assuming people are still around." She began eating the chips.

Ash smirked, "I know how I can help with that."

Sam's eyes widened and she tried to start a discouraging protest starting with, "No. Ash-"

"Come on," Ash interrupted, "It might work this time."

"It didn't work last time." She pointed out.

"I figured out what I did wrong. It's going to work this time." They insisted.

She looked prepared to continue the argument, but stopped, and instead sighed saying, "Ok, fine. You win."

"It's gonna work this time." Ash repeated.

"Sure." Sam changed the subject, which resulted in a debate on who was more annoying - the 10th grade history teacher or the 9th grade English teacher.

Ash waited just outside the school for Sam. When she finally showed up, Ash shouted, "Race ya!" before taking off down the sidewalk - their backpack thumping against their back with every step.

"No fair!" Sam yelled before running after Ash.

The taller and faster of the two - Ash - got to the Dunkin' Donuts first. They stood there leaning against the entrance. Once they caught their breath and Sam showed up, Ash asked jokingly, "What took you so long?"

Not answering the question she stated "you're paying" before shoving Ash slightly and entering the building. Sam headed over to the cash register, annoyed that she'd lost the race and that she'd have to go though Ash's nonsensical experiment again. She probably shouldn't have brought up the assignment in the first place.

Ash followed Sam over to the counter. "Why?"

"If you're going to make me watch you fail at your millionth attempt at time travel, you're getting me a donut." Sam shot a mild glare over at them before ordering three glazed donuts.

Ash then ordered a fourth. After receiving and eating the pastries, the two left to go to Ash's house.

"So, what is the one thing you needed to fix this time?" Sam asked in a limp effort to appear interested.

"You'll have to wait and see." Ash answered mysteriously.

"Sure." Sam rolled her eyes.

The two entered Ash's room. Sam immediately moved to sit on the bed. The room was practically immaculate - save for a pile of dirty clothes in the corner. And the grey cat fur everywhere. And the the paper-covered desk. Other than that and the mess of the blankets that covered the bed.

Anyways, Ash went over to the closet where she pulled out a pair of black, durable, multipurpose backpacks; a dense, watch-like device; and a pair of handcuffs connected by a long chain.

"Put it on." They held out one of the backpacks to Sam.

Sam stood up to reluctantly slip on the bag, then secured one end of the cuff to her left wrist. Ash pulled on their pack, then locked the other end around to their right wrist. Ash started to input information on the watch after tying it around their left wrist.

Sam sat back down on the bed and watched as Ash messed around with the device. She sighed, and waited as Ash stood there pressing buttons for what seemed to be forever.

"Got it!" Ash yelled happily. They angled the devices round screen over to Sam. "Look."

"Awesome," Sam sarcastically responded, wishing that she'd never brought up the assignment. Ash would use nearly any excuse to try to get their time machine working. She was about to say something else when the room melted away.

Sam's eyes widened as the space around them twisted into nothingness. She could feel the chain connecting her and Ash grow taut as they were whipped around a place neither of them could see. The only sound Sam could hear was a faint whooping from the direction of Ash, and the only thing she could see was a muddled mix of endless colors.

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