Identical Opposites

This work has been abandoned.
This work has five chapters with a word count of just over 3.3k.
Scroll to the end for an old draft.
This work contains sexual content.
While this was written around age 14, I ask that those under the age of 18 please don't read this work.

Chapter 1
New Kid

I sat in my seat at the front of the classroom, my long legs awkwardly stretched out in front of me as I boredly waited for my classmates to slowly trickle into homeroom. By the time the late bell rang, the entire classroom was full - save the seat to my right. Just after the teacher finished taking attendance, an unfamiliar face wandered into the classroom.

"Is this room 412?" he asked.

"Ah, Mr. Rener." The teacher greeted the new student. "Welcome." Turning to face the rest of the class she said, "Class, this is Dusk Rener. He transferred here from Farwood High, and I'd like you all to treat him with respect as he gets used to the school. Angel."

"What?" was my confused response to my name being called.

"You will be showing Dusk around for the following week." She turned back to Dusk and said, "Go sit down next to Angel, he's the one in the front."

I narrowed my eyes at the misused pronoun, but said nothing. Someone else must have heard it as well as I heard a whisper of "oooh triggered" followed by obnoxious giggling.

Dusk took the seat next to me.

"Can I see your schedule?" I asked him, ignoring the person behind me.

"Sure." He passed it over to me, and I looked it over. We had almost identical schedules - save for block three on both day one and day two. It was probably the only reason why I was assigned to help Dusk out.

"Alright, we've both got study hall first block. We can just go hang out in the library if you like." I suggested, handing it back to him.

"Sure." Dusk seemed pretty quick to trust me. Not that that was necessarily a bad thing. We didn't talk much for the rest of homeroom, and I spent this time looking over Dusk. He was fairly short, and had brown hair. His eyes were a lovely shade of green, and he wore baggy jeans, a baggy green teeshirt, a grey hoodie, and sliders. I noticed that his ears were pierced, but didn't feature any earrings.

The second the bell rang for first period, half the class shot up out of their seats and into the hallway like bullets. The rest of us sleepily ambled out to our respective classes, slowed down by a case of the Mondays. Dusk followed me down to the library.

When I entered it, I took a deep breath inhaling the sweet smell of books. On my way to the group of tables in the corner, I ran my hand down a row of glossy book spines. I sat down at the table closest to the corner.

"You a fan of books?" Dusk asked me.

"Are you a fan of breathing?" I asked him.

He appeared nervous, not fully understanding the analogy.

"That's a yes." I clarified.

"Oh ok." He sat down next to me, embarrassed. "Me too."

"Have you been to your locker yet?" I asked. Seeing that he was still carrying his backpack, I assumed that the answer was no.

"No." Dusk admitted. "I was wondering if you know what I'll need for my classes? They didn't give me a supplies list."

"Yeah, gimme." I took back the schedule, and fished a pen out of my pocket. Next to each teacher, I scribbled out what Dusk'd be needing. When I was finished, I handed it back and said, "You just got here, so for your first few days all you really need is a folder and a pen."


"Sorry I don't know what you'll need for Media. I don't really take any art classes." I admitted.

"Its ok."

"Right, let's get your locker open." I stood up, leaving the binders I'd been carrying on the table.

Dusk followed me, and we wandered around the school for a while, hunting down the number. When we found it, I had to help him open the locker. He unloaded his bag, then we headed back down to the library.

Chapter 2
First Time

I sat across from the tall, brown haired girl with crystal blue eyes who'd been showing me around the school for the past two days. She was great. Even though I was new, she took the time to sit with me and explain how this school was set up and what to do. She kept me company talking about her favorite books.

At one point I said, "Want to walk over to my place after school?"

"You live near the school?" she asked.

"Yeah pretty close."

"Oh yeah I remember that house down the road being for sale for a while. You live there now?"

"Yep," was my reply.

I guess we could hang out. Can you give me a ride home later then? I live further out."


That afternoon, after school, the two of us walked to my house. Once we were in my room, there was one thing I wanted to do with Angel. That was, of course, to smash. I wasn't sure how she'd react to me not biologically being a guy, but it was a risk I was willing to take.

"So." I started.

"So," Angel echoed.

"I've got some weed in the closet if you're interested," I said jerking my thumb towards the closet.

"Sure," she answered.

I grinned. If we were high it'd be easier for me to seduce her. I walked over and bent down, digging around in all the junk in my closet. From the corner of my eye I could see Angel looking over and admiring my ass, something that was a bit difficult to do due to the baggy clothing I wore. I pulled out a baggie and tossed it to her.

She easily caught it. From the bag, she pulled out a lighter and a blunt. Angel lit it, and after a few hits she passed it over to me. I finished off the blunt, which was probably not a wise decision.

Unfortunately, my plan to seduce was briefly delayed by the hilarity of the color of my carpet. It was blue. That's the color of both the sky and the ocean at the same time. What was up with that?

Once we had both calmed down, I made my move.

"So. Uh. I think you're hot," I announced to her.

"Really? Even though I'm taller than you?" she seemed somewhat nervous.

"Yes, of course." I couldn't believe she was worried about that. "I'd fuck you right now if you wanted."

"Are you sure?" She pulled down her pants, revealing that she had a dick. "What about now?"

"You're trans too?" I exclaimed, shocked.


I pulled down my pants to show her. "Its like we were meant for each other."

We dropped both of our pants and moved to the bed. I laid down and Angel climbed on top of me. She kissed my passionately, and I returned the favor. She moved along my neck, peppering me with kisses. Angel nibbled on my ear, and. I moaned.

"If you liked that, then you'll love this." She moved down, and started rubbing my clit.

I moaned louder.

Soon after, she moved to insert her dick. "Are you ready?"

I nodded.

She did it, and I could feel the room shake. I looked up at her and it was like everything went black and white. Her eyes, which were right in front of mine, had turned pitch black. She was smiling and all of her teeth were sharp.

I ignored this, and wrapped my legs around her and thrusted onto her cock with all my might.

There seemed to be a dark light coming from Angel's body, and my own seemed to give off a bright one. I was confused, but the pleasure radiating through my body was at the forefront of my attention.

It didn't take long for Angel to come and when she did, she luckily did it outside of my vagina like the considerate lady she is. She laid down next to me, breathing heavily.

"Hey. I'm not done yet." I pointed out.

"Well come here then."

I stood up on my knees and walked over to her mouth. As I looked around the room, I noticed that a lot of things were broken, but I didn't pay much attention to that and instead lowered my pussy over Angel's mouth.

I shuddered in pleasure as she licked it, and soon after I came.

I laid down next to her, and she curled up around me, holding me in her arms.

"That was amazing," she whispered.

"I know, right?"

We laid there in silence for a while before she realized, "I need to get home."

I sat up, "Come on, I'll drive you there."

As we picked up our clothes, I noticed my vision was returning to normal, along with her appearance. The objects that I'd previously seen as being broken had also fixed themselves.

Chapter 3

The next day of classes was a bit awkward between Dusk and I. We didn't talk much, but we spent a lot of time shooting each other progressively dirtier and dirtier faces until we were laughing so hard that the teacher looked concerned.

During lunch, while we were eating, Dusk leaned over and kissed me on the lips. He sat back and suddenly everything went an inverted sort of black and white. Dark things appeared light, and vise versa. The only hues were greyscale.

I could see a pair of white wings coming from Dusk's back, and his eyes were pure white. His white eyes widened.

"This again?" we chimed in unison.

"This is weird," I said.

"I wonder why this happens with us," Dusk wondered aloud.

"Can we reverse it?" I asked, wanting to see color again.

"Maybe?" he kissed me again. Nothing happened.

"Last time, this didn't stop until I came."

We looked at each other.

"Wanna come over to my place again?" he asked me.

"Hell yes," was my immediate response.

Once at his house, we immediately went to his room. We didn't have weed this time and instead went straight to making out. He pushed me against the door and I could feel something on top of my head bang into the wall. As we kissed I felt the top of my head. There were horns!

I didn't mind though. I wouldn't have them much longer if this went well. Dusk pulled down my pants and underwear and went straight for my cock. I moaned as he massaged it, begging for him to place his mouth on it. He did and it was truly amazing.

After I ejaculated, color returned to the world. I panted, then crouched down and pushed Dusk to the floor. I pulled down his pants, and carefully licked his pussy until he came.

Once we were done, and lying next to each other on the floor, I heard Dusk ask me, "So what's going on. What's up with the color and appearances that come when we make out? Why does it disappear when we cum? Is something magical going on?"

I thought for a moment. "Is there any chance you're also adopted?"

"What?" He seemed annoyed at the question.

"I'm just thinking."

"Yes. Yes I am," he answered the question.

"Ok. What if we're both some kind of magical creature and were put into the human world and our powers react with we interact?" I tried offering an explanation for the situation.

"That's absurd," he said.

"Well I'm just spitballing here. If you've got another idea, I'm happy to hear it." I was making a lot of gestures in the air as I spoke.

"Well, then what kind of creatures are we?" he asked.

"Well, you've got those white wings and white eyes so I think you're some kind of angel." I said. "Not sure about myself though."

"You've got horns and black eyes." He pointed out. "Maybe you're some kind of goat?"

"A goat with black eyes?" I shook my head. "Nah I'm probably some kind of demon."

"A demon goat?" Dusk offered.

"Am I covered in hair?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No," he considered this. "You're so nice though. I don't want to believe that you're a demon."

"Maybe I'm a nice demon?" I suggested.

"I guess you are."

Chapter 4

The next morning, just outside homeroom, Angel and I decided to kiss. We then went on spending most of the school day distractedly attempting to unlock the hidden abilities which we hoped to possess.

At one point, as I was deep in my thoughts over what abilities I might have, I was clutching my pencil so hard that I broke it. Upset I held the two broken halves. I thought a moment and brought the two pieces together. There was a soft light, and the halves joined together.

I could fix things!

This was good. I wondered if Angel had discovered anything yet. I'd just ask him later. Quietly, I ripped the paper on the desk in front of me. I concentrated on fixing it, and the soft, white light appeared again. The paper was good as new as if I had done nothing.

At lunch, Angel and I sat next to each other. As we ate, Angel reached out and stroked one of my feathery wings. To my surprise, I could feel her touch, even though I had previously not felt my wings bump into anyone in the hallways. Though they did feel a bit uncomfortable when I sat at my desks.

I leaned into Angel's gentle touch, resting my head on her shoulder, and in turn rubbed the curly brown horns on top of her head. Despite not knowing her that well, I felt as though I'd known her for a long time. I wanted to spend all my time with her. I wanted to know her more.

"So did you find out what you can do?" Angel asked me.

"I can fix things," I said. "Other than that I'm not sure. You?"

"I think I can break things but I'm not positive." She seemed disappointed. After a moment she asked, "any chance you can fly with those wings of yours?"

"I'm not sure. I haven't tried yet. They don't seem to interact with everything so I'm not sure they would push against air." I was a bit confused about how my new appendages interacted with reality. They were wider than my wingspan and nearly my height. Theoretically they could hold my weight but wether or not they really existed was the question.

"Let's try them out at your place after school," Angel offered.

"Sounds like a plan," I agreed.

Once we were at my place, in the backyard, I took off my shirt. I stood there, next to Angel, trying to figure out how to fly. As I stood there, Angel took off her pants and for the first time I noticed a long leathery-black tail coming from her lower back. The end tapered off into an upside-down heart. The tail twitched around as Angel stood there, watching me.

I gave a deep breath, twitching my wings, finding that I could control their movements. I raised them both, a bit shakily as I was completely unused to these foreign appendages. I lowered them quickly, causing a strong wind, and was soon lifted off of the ground. It was exhilarating - before I immediately crashed down to the ground.

"Well, its a start," said Angel. "I wasn't expecting you to be able to do it right away. I only just figured out how to move my tail. All day I've just had it tucked down a pant leg."

"Sounds uncomfortable," I noted, thinking about my wings and how they felt when they decided to exist.

"Not really," she countered.

I didn't press on, figuring that she was better at determining what was comfortable for herself than I was.

I instead readied myself, and attempted to fly again. This time, my white, feathered wings pushed me much higher in the air. I managed to move myself forward a bit before falling down into Angel's open arms. As she held me, I leaned in for a kiss. She happily returned it.

Chapter 5

We spent the next few days without having sex, and just getting used to our new abilities and bodies. I found that the more time that went by, the more my tail seemed real. When I first acquired my tail, I had trouble controlling it, and I couldn’t always feel it. After a few days of living with it, I could move it at will like I’d had it all my life. It also bumped into things, something that it couldn’t do initially. It was becoming more corporeal the more it existed.

The same happened with my horns. Kind of. I couldn’t feel things touch my horns like I could with the skin of my tail. It was like a fingernail. You can feel pressure against it, and you can feel when it's against something, but it itself can’t feel. The biggest problem with my horns was that it made putting on shirts a bit of a problem. My solution was to wear button-up shirts instead of t-shirts. This could be problematic in the summer, but I’d figure that out when I got there.

The good thing was that so far, no one else seemed to notice that Dusk and I nad these new appendages. Dusk told me that he’d had some problems where he’d bumped into a few people with his wings, leaving them very confused as to what happened, but he says no one is suspicious.

Over the past few days, we’ve learned a lot about each other, as well as our own new abilities. Dusk is an only child, raised by a pair of moms who are extremely supportive of his identity. They sound great, and I can’t wait to go over to Dusk’s house to meet them instead of having sex.

Dusk has moved around a lot over the years as one of his moms is in the army. I don’t know much about the profession, and was still unable to follow it when Dusk tried to explain some of it to me. Apparently he’s really interested in it and thinking of doing into it after school. He did say he’d miss weed and that that might be a dealbreaker for weather or not he actually signs up.

I also think that being an angel might prevent him from joining at this point, but I haven’t said anything about that. I don’t really think that he’s thought through his future too well. Planning is not Dusk’s strong suit. I’ve also had to help him on quite a few homeworks. He seems to be quite dense to be honest.

I’ve had a lot of fun messing around with him. He’s a good fuck buddy. Maybe that’s all we’ll be, but that’s ok. Everyone needs a fuck buddy. There was still this strange attraction I felt towards him. I don’t think it was natural. It definitely had something to do with our other identities. If it weren’t for that, I’d probably have never shared a devil’s tango with him in the first place.

There was no denying that he was good at sex though.

It had been nearly a week since we’d last had sex. This time, we went to my house. My parents, like Dusk’s moms, were still a work at this time of day, so we had the place to ourselves. I led Dusk to my room. We’d agreed via text earlier that this meeting was going to be a sexual one.

When we arrived in my room, we both stripped, then began making out on my bed. Before long, Dusk’s head was between my legs and I was moaning with intense pleasure. As I reached my climax, I could see the bed crumble around us. Once Dusk was swallowing my cum, we were sitting on the floor amidst a pile of wreckage.

Dusk seemed worried, but I told him not to worry about it. It wasn’t his fault. I would really need to work on controlling my power as I have sex. At least it would be a fun experience. Now it was Dusk’s turn. He confidently moved himself so that he was straddling my face.

I licked him slowly, teasing him before slipping my tongue into his pussy. He moaned, begging me to do it harder. I didn’t, instead opting to slowly stroke him. I continued until he couldn’t bear it any more, then stopped. He begged me some more, and I gave in, letting him cum. As he did so, the bed reformed below us, tossing us up into the air. We separated, landing on the bed.

We laid there, next to each other for a while, just staring up at the ceiling.

“Do you want to kiss?” he asked me.

“I thought we were just reversing the last one?” I pointed out.

“Well, I miss my wings,” he admitted.

“Already?” I asked. “Don’t those things get in the way a lot? Come to think of it - how did you put on shirts?”

“They went through shirts whenever I tried to put them on,” Dusk told me.

“Lucky,” I muttered.

“So will you do it?” he pleaded.


I leaned over, and kissed him on the lips.

Bonus Content

Old Draft

When Dusk shows up at Nearwood High, he quickly catches the attention of Angel, who is assigned to show him around. As the two of them two of them slowly discover more about each other, their true selves are revealed…

Chapter 1

I sat in my seat at the front of the classroom, my long legs awkwardly stretched out in front of me as I boredly waited for my classmates to slowly trickle into homeroom. By the time the late bell rang, the entire classroom was full - save the seat to my right. Just after the teacher finished taking attendance, an unfamiliar face wandered into the classroom.

"Is this room 412?" he asked.

"Ah, Mr. Rener." The teacher greeted the new student. "Welcome." Turning to face the rest of the class she said, "Class, this is Dusk Rener. He transferred here from Farwood High, and I'd like you all to treat him with respect as he gets used to the school. Angel."

"What?" was my confused response to my name being called.

"You will be showing Dusk around for the following week." She turned back to Dusk and said, "Go sit down next to Angel, he's the one in the front."

I narrowed my eyes at the misused pronoun, but said nothing. Someone else must have heard it as well as I heard a whisper of "oooh triggered" followed by obnoxious giggling.

Dusk took the seat next to me.

"Can I see your schedule?" I asked him, ignoring the person behind me.

"Sure." He passed it over to me, and I looked it over. We had almost identical schedules - save for block three on both day one and day two. It was probably the only reason why I was assigned to help Dusk out.

"Alright, we've both got study hall first block. We can just go hang out in the library if you like." I suggested, handing it back to him.

"Sure." Dusk seemed pretty quick to trust me. Not that that was necessarily a bad thing. We didn't talk much for the rest of homeroom, and I spent this time looking over Dusk. He was fairly short, and had brown hair. His eyes were a lovely shade of green, and he wore baggy jeans, a baggy green teeshirt, a grey hoodie, and sliders. I noticed that his ears were pierced, but didn't feature any earrings.

The second the bell rang for first period, half the class shot up out of their seats and into the hallway like bullets. The rest of us sleepily ambled out to our respective classes, slowed down by a case of the Mondays. Dusk followed me down to the library.

When I entered it, I took a deep breath inhaling the sweet smell of books. On my way to the group of tables in the corner, I ran my hand down a row of glossy book spines. I sat down at the table closest to the corner.

"You a fan of books?" Dusk asked me.

"Are you a fan of breathing?" I asked him.

He appeared nervous, not fully understanding the analogy.

"That's a yes." I clarified.

"Oh ok." He sat down next to me, embarrassed. "Me too."

"Have you been to your locker yet?" I asked. Seeing that he was still carrying his backpack, I assumed that the answer was no.

"No." Dusk admitted. "I was wondering if you know what I'll need for my classes? They didn't give me a supplies list."

"Yeah, gimme." I took back the schedule, and fished a pen out of my pocket. Next to each teacher, I scribbled out what Dusk'd be needing. When I was finished, I handed it back and said, "You just got here, so for your first few days all you really need is a folder and a pen."


"Sorry I don't know what you'll need for Media. I don't really take any art classes." I admitted.

"Its ok."

"Right, let's get your locker open." I stood up, leaving the binders I'd been carrying on the table.

Dusk followed me, and we wandered around the school for a while, hunting down the number. When we found it, I had to help him open the locker. He unloaded his bag, then we headed back down to the library.

Chapter 2

I sat across from the tall, brown haired girl

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