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Guardian Angel

This work has been abandoned.
This work is consists of only one chapter with a word count of 616.


Pip is allowed to go to Earth on her first mission as a guardian angel but it's not going to go as well as she hopes.

prologue - eugolorp

Pip sat down in the dark brown swivel chair at the center of the room. She nudged the leg, sending her spinning. As she turned, she surveyed the little room she was in. The walls, floor, and ceiling were all white. There was nothing in the room other than the chair, herself, and a desk with a computer sitting upon it.

Once the chair lost its inertia, it slowed to a stop, leaving Pip facing the desk. Pip reached out with her foot, and slid across the floor to the computer. She reached out and tapped a button on the side in an attempt to turn it on.

Nothing happened, and the screen remained dark.

Pip sighed, and continued to spin around the room, until she heard a soft ding. She spun herself around so that she was facing the desk again. The screen was illuminated, and added a soft golden glow to the dim room. Pip reached out, and grabbed the desk, pulling herself closer.

Though the screen was now on, there was nothing visible, other than a blank page. Pip reached out to grab the mouse. As the device moved, the screen shifted, and a small webpage appeared.

The webpage had been revealed with great reluctance from the ones in charge, only given up out of pity, and curiosity.

The screen simply showed a profile. It detailed the life, identity, and even personality of a single human child alive on earth. Simple as it was, Pip eagerly scrolled through the page, analyzing the information, and filing it away in her mind.

Once she reached the bottom, and the ones in charge were satisfied, the page extended, revealing a message at the bottom. This message the simple request of

do what you think is right

accompanied by a set of coordinates. Pip stared at the string of symbols, confused, before leaning over, and pulling out the desk drawer. In the drawer, there were three things; a bag, and two teleport charges.

Pip picked up the bag, and dropped it onto the desk. The dark purple sack sagged as gravity adjusted the bottom to take on the flat surface of the desk. Pip pulled apart the drawstring top, revealing the contents. Pip pulled them out, and eventually opted for upturning the bag, dumping everything onto the desk.

Sitting there was a pair of worn sheepskin boots, a short black skirt, a pink hoodie, and a small red leather-bound journal.

Pip slid down from the chair, and first picked up the skirt. She stepped into it, pulled it up to her waist, then grabbed the boots and shoved her feet into them. She grabbed the hoodie and pulled it over her head. Once it was on, she adjusted it so that her wings fit through the holes in the back.

She tugged on the edges, unfolding the hem, then moved to open the journal. Once she unclasped the strap, a pen fell out. Pip picked up the pen, then grabbed the mouse to scroll up the page. She scribbled down a few notes, then closed the book again.

Pip dropped the pen and the journal into the bag, then went back to the open drawer. She lifted one of the teleport charges, and placed it in the bag. She slung the bag over one shoulder, holding the strings with one hand.

With the other hand, Pip picked up the other teleport. She squeezed it, and concentrated, and within seconds








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