Go To Seeep

This work has been abandoned.
This work has four chapters with a word count of just under 3k.

Rin was just an ordinary human girl, until she was chosen by vampires to do the supernaturals' dirty work.


The little girl lay on her back upon a stiff wooden table. Black, uneven clumps of hair framed her face. She wore a simple black dress and nothing else. Surrounding her, a short distance away, were a variety of vampires. Each wore a black robe, and stared at the girl in anticipation.

They waited for a long while, but eventually the girl opened her eyes, and slowly sat up. She looked around, her big eyes now red instead of blue, and then looked down at her hands. The fledgling stared at the new paleness of her skin until one of the robed vampires spoke.

"Hello, Rin," he said, taking a step closer to the disoriented child.

"What have you done to me?" she demanded, glaring at him.

"You have been chosen to serve a higher cause," he smiled gently at her.

Rin climbed off of the table, and carefully made her way over to where the elder vampire stood. "And what would this 'higher cause' be?" she demanded.

"You will be the one to carry out the task of ensuring no humans discover the existence of the supernatural realm," he explained.

"Why?" she glanced around the room suspiciously.

"Why?" he repeated, chuckling slightly. "Well that is simple. Humans are skittish creatures. They lash out at anything they think will threaten their survival. We could easily control them, but most everyone agrees that having a whole species constantly in terror that they might be next on the menu isn't a good idea."

"I mean why me?" Ran clarified.

"You are currently a child. You will look like one forever. No-one will ever suspect you as being anything but." He smiled still.

"So what is it that you want me to do, exactly?" Rin asked.

"For the next year, you will train to fight, and control your hunger. Afterwards, you will be released into the world where you will, shall we say, take care of any vampires who are changing too many humans at a time, or any beings who are out of control."

"How am I supposed to be prepared in just a year?" Rin asked, pointing out the simple flaw in the strange request.

"You won't, and I expect you to make plenty of mistakes as you begin. You will, however, have a head start."

"What do you mean by that?" Rin interrupted.

The vampire beckoned another forward. This vampire had fiery red hair, and appeared to be in her mid-twenties. The vampire who had been speaking now said to Rin, "Kill her."

The other vampire's eyes widened in surprise. Before she could do anything, the fledgling had lunged at her and snapped her neck with her newfound inhuman strength. This action was forced upon her by her creator's command, but her further action of draining the other of most of her blood was mostly voluntary. Rin drank out of her fledgling hunger, and once she stopped, there was blood across her face.

Everyone in the room could briefly sense the dead vampire's soul leaving the body, but it was Rin who truly witnessed the entirety of it. It was Rin who could feel the soul being ripped apart as the person moved onto the afterlife, but the abilities transferred into Rin.

"That was unnecessary," said another vampire quietly.

The first vampire, the leader of the group who created Rin, held up a hand to silence them. He crouched down, and stared at Rin, not saying anything. After a moment, he commanded, "Sleep."

I think this is chapter 1, but that's up to interpretation.

I sat in my room in the corner on the floor, waiting. I knew that I'd have to leave eventually, but I'd been hoping that it wouldn't happen so soon. I mean, I knew when it was going to happen, I thought I was going to be ready by then but I didn't want to leave-

"Rin where are you?" a voice from the hallway jerked me out of my internal rant.

"In here, Kell," I answered quietly.

I could hear the sound of quiet footsteps as he approached the door to my room. I looked up at Kell as he entered the room. "What are you doing here? They're waiting for you."


"Why?" Kell repeated, confused. "What do you mean why? You've completed your training its time for you to go out into the world."

"But why me? Why did they pick me?" I looked down at the floor. "They could've taken anyone to do their dirty work but why me? It doesn't make any sense."

"I think it was at random. You just happened to be the right age at the right place at the right time. They were looking for a human child. You were a human child." He shrugged. "Now here you are."

I nodded, and we remained there in thought for another minute before I sighed and stood up. "Alright then. Let's go. To the world. A world full of people who want to kill me."

"Rin no-one wants to kill you. That was the whole point of having a child be turned. Any human will love you the second they see you. Its instinct." Kell reasoned.

"But what if I mess up? What if someone finds out. What if-"

"Rin you can beat most vampires here with pretty much no trouble. I don't see how a few humans would cause you much trouble.

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I appeared in front of the man who'd hired me, holding the human and her daughter in a sac-hold over my shoulder. The mother's head dragged a bit, but I didn't really care.

He looked at me, appearing a bit surprised. I twisted the bodies back over my shoulder, and the they landed face-up on the ground in front of me. I didn't break eye contact with the man.

"Where's my money?" I demanded.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You said that if I brought you Mary Johnson and her daughter, you'd pay me 3,000 US dollars." I looked through this mind. He didn't really believe that I had the ability to do the job. He thought I was a child, a beginner, incapable of murder. He thought I had faked it somehow. I smiled slightly at that. "Don't underestimate me, I'm not a child."

He seemed unfazed. "I didn't tell you to bring them to me dead."

"You did not specify wether or not you wanted them dead or alive." I stated.

"True." He walked across the room to a desk, opened a drawer, and pulled out a small, brown package. He threw it to me. I caught it, opened it to find the money and a small packet of O negative.

I nodded to him, and ran out of the garage at superspeed. I ran far and fast, covering hundreds of miles in the blink in the eye.

When I slowed, I was in the forest. I wandered lazily, looking for the right location. It didn't take me very long to find the little air disturbance that identified my home. I walked through the force field, and it fluctuated slightly as it let me walk through.

I'd bought the charm from a witch about a half century ago. It was my private space, full of stuff I'd collected over the years. Nothing and no one - except me, and anything I allowed go through - could pass through the force field. The witch who created it probably could've, but she'd died a long time ago of old age.

The force field was shaped like a dome. The biggest thing in there was a massive maple tree. I'd had it enchanted so that it could stay healthy and strong without any light or external nutrients. It was a little like the rose in its little glass dome in Beauty and the Beast.

I crouched down slightly, and then jumped, landing upright on the lowest branch of the maple tree. I removed the envelope from my pocket. I placed it along with my dagger on the space on the branch next to me.

I pulled off my sweater, crumpled it up into the shape of a ball, and dropped it. It landed in a bucket that sat on the ground. The sweater would be clean in about an hour. Besides the sweater, I wore a pair of black spandex leggings, a pair of black sneakers, and a black tank top. Around my left arm was a gold armband.

I walked across the branch, towards the trunk. I grabbed my phone, which had been propped up against the trunk. I sad down on the branch, my short legs dangling off the side.

I clicked on the phone, and the area around me was suddenly illuminated with artificial light. My home had the permanent illusion of being in a never ending state of midnight.

I grabbed the blood bag I'd gotten for the job, and started looking through YouTube. After a little while, I found a video claiming to be a new vampire vlog. I clicked on it, then groaned in frustration as I watched.

It was legit.

I drained the blood bag, then tried to throw it far in malice. Unfortunately, due to stuff like wind resistance, it floated pathetically, and unsatisfyingly to the ground.

I sat with my head in my hands, and sighed. It used to be that vampires were careful about who they turned, and only did so rarely. Fledglings used to be trained before being unleashed onto society.

Nowadays, fledglings were cropping up left and right, cluelessly exposing their new abilities on social media. If the supernatural community was exposed to the humans, and enough of them believed in it, chaos would ensue.

If they got wind of how many human deaths were caused by creatures like Witches and Vampires, there'd be a war. Or half the human population would kill themselves. What ever would happen, it wouldn't be good, which is why you never want to take any chances.

I looked the video over again, as well as checking the social media links. I looked for the vampire with my mind - an ability enhanced by my location - and found him.

I grabbed the knife, licked off the blood left over from my last job, and jumped down.

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I ran halfway across the country, and within seconds was near where the last blog was made. I sniffed the air, and caught the sent of the newly turned vamp, and stalked towards it.

I wasn't in any real hurry, and took my time tracking him down. Soon enough, I was standing outside the apartment building where the vampire was located.

I twisted open the front door, breaking the lock, and followed the scent, and thoughts, to the door of the apartment that housed the fledgling. I didn't bother knocking, and instead simply grabbed the doorknob, and repeated my previous action.

I tried to push open the door, but was stopped by a second lock. I reached out, and grabbed the chain. Under the pressure of my fingers, it snapped, and I pushed open the door.

I was greeted by two beings, the fledgling, and a human. With a quick listen to its surface thoughts, I discovered that the human was a good friend of the fledgling.

"Who are you?" asked Caleb - the fledgling.

"My name is Rin, and I am going to give you a few options. If you do not choose which path you want to take, I will choose it for you - is that clear?" I held up my knife.

He laughed. "You can't hurt me. I'm invincible."

I stepped forward and - moving at superspeed - drew a long slash across his chest with my knife, ripping his shirt, and leaving a deep trail of blood. "Is that so?" I asked from my original position, casually examining the blood on my knife.

"Who are you?" The human asked, looking at the slash, wide-eyed.

"I told you. I'm Rin." I looked over at Caleb, "now do you want to hear your options or not?"

He looked up from the slowly-healing slash and nodded.

"One - I turn your friend, and take you both somewhere you can learn how to be proper vampires. Two - I wipe the human's mind, and take you where you can learn how to be a vampire. Three - same as two except the human dies. Four - and this is my favorite - I kill you both." I ticked off the options on my fingers.

"Option One." Caleb said the second he realized I was finished.

"Ok, first, you are going to take down any and all videos or photos made after you became a vampire." I commanded. "You will also tell any and all social media followers that it was simply a prank."

He nodded, and went over to his open computer. I waited about five minutes as he complied.

As he did so, I walked over to the human. He crouched down - not of his own will - so that he was at my eye level. I leaned forward, and slit his shoulder. After drinking some of the blood, I bit my wrist, then let him drink some of that.

Within seconds, he was paralyzed. Caleb ran to his side, and held his hand as he went through the transformation.

I rolled my eyes at the human sentiments. "Come on."

"What?" Caleb looked up at me.

"Pick it up, and let's go." I glared at him.

"Where?" He asked.

"Follow me." I commanded.

Caleb gently picked up the other, and held him bridal-style, close to his chest.

I ran off, but went slow enough for Caleb to follow, which he did. We eventually came to an abandoned barn in the next town over. I went directly to a door that stood in the middle of the place, and opened it.

"Come in." I ordered.

He followed me through the door, and landed on his face. I smirked, and closed the door behind him..

"What is this?" He gasped, looking around in awe. The shape of the WorldSpace was like the interior of a sphere. The point of gravity was the center of the sphere, which made all the walls ceilings, the ceilings floors, and the floors walls depending on where you were. The "floors" themselves consisted of cobblestone paths bordering endless doors embedded in the ground. If you open a door, then you can be taken anywhere in the universe. The place was lit by a select few cobblestones which glowed brightly.

"The WorldSpace." I informed him, quickly walking across the paths towards a sleek, black door. "Come here."

I opened the door, and gestured for him to go through. I followed him through, and led the way. We were soon greeted by another vampire. He was tall, with shaggy blonde hair, and a dark blue suit.

"Why hello little girl-"

"Don't even start." I growled at him.

"-how did you get here?" He finished, ignoring me.

I glared at him, then pointed at the fledglings. "These need training."

"Rin, you can't just drop off every newbie you find-"

I laughed. "You barely receive a fraction of the ones I find. The older vampires keep changing humans left and right. It's becoming a chaos. Soon, the humans'll know about us. What'll happen, then?"

As I started to leave he said, "I heard Casey's being released."

I spun around and stared at him. "What?"

"Casey. Tall. Long, black hair. About 300 years old. Recently sent to Hell-"

"Four hundred." I interrupted.

He nodded his head in acknowledgment, "four hundred years old, recently banished to Hell."

"What about her?"

"Apparently, she's getting out." He said.

"Excuse me?" I glared at Caleb, but let him speak. "Who is Casey?"

"No one you'd want to meet." I turned back to the other vampire, "why do you think she'd get out? No one escapes Hell."

"Apparently, she's not escaping. Supposedly, her and Satan have become friends, and he's thinking of letting her come back to earth." He explained.

"That's bullshit." I left, going back to the WorldSpace. I wandered it, pondering the rumor. Was is accurate? No. Couldn't be.

The door I went through was different from the previous one. It was older, shabbier. I opened it up, and dropped though the opening, leaving the WorldSphere. When I came out the other side, I landed neatly on my feet. Most people had trouble with the gravity adjustment, but I didn't.

I came out the other end in a basement. A quick sniff of the air told me it belonged to humans. Great. Another unguarded door. There were so many of these things, that no one - not even the witches knew where they all were.

I sighed, and removed my sneaker, pulling out my phone. I left the building, and ran up to the roof. Luckily, there was service. I dialed Lenna, a witch, and waited for her to pick up.

"Hello, who is this?" came the response.

"This is Rin. Don't you have caller ID?" I asked.

"What do you want, Rin?" she asked, cutting to the chase.

"I found a door in the basement of a humans home." I reported.


I put the phone down, then ran around a bit. I used the minds of some nearby humans, then went back to the phone to tell Lenna where I was.

"We'll deal with it." She said before hanging up.

I clicked off the phone, and put it away.

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