For the Love of Gay

This work has been abandoned.
This work has three chapters with a word count of just under 1.7k.

In a world where gays are persecuted for their magical abilities, Penny was trying her hardest not to be discovered when she gets captured and taken to a research facility where she finds others just like her…

Chapter 1

I threw a small rubber ball across the room. It swooped around to bounce off of the opposite wall I had thrown it to, then fell down to the floor where it rebounded up to the ceiling. It fell back down, then simply rolled through the air into my outstretched hand.

I threw it again, and the ball tore back through the path it had just gone, again eventually retuning to me.

"Can you stop that?" Andrew requested, looking up from his phone. He sat in the corner, next to the wall outlet where his phone could charge as he played with it.

"Why?" I asked, throwing the ball again. This time I made it fly past his face, and knock into his leg before shooting back up to the ceiling where it bounced off the surface to hit me in the leg.

"It's very annoying." He stated, this time glaring up at me.

"Not that annoying." I mused, this time throwing it so that it hit the wall directly where I sat it bounced back and was about to hit me in the face but I stopped it. I was staring at it as it hovered directly in front of my face when I heard the door to my room opening.

I looked over to see my mom at the door, and could feel the rubber ball fall to my chest.

"What are you two doing?" she demanded, looking suspiciously between the two of us.

"Nothing." We responded simultaneously.

She looked between the two of us suspiciously before leaving the room. My mom was prone to random check-ins. Drew and I's cover was that we were dating. So far everyone believed it.

Chapter 2

The diver of the vehicle I was trapped in slammed on the breaks, sending me sliding across the floor and ramming into the wall. Being blindfolded, I couldn't see my surroundings to brace myself. I don't know how long I was in that vehicle, but I know that the breaks had been hit at least a dozen times so far.

Luckily in one way, but unluckily in the rest, the vehicle finally stopped. I was dragged out of it, and slung over the shoulder of an unknown person. I was too weak - and tied up - to fight back and just went limp.

I was carried for a long time through a heavily air-conditioned building. At one point, I could feel the sensation of going down in an elevator.

I was eventually rendered unconscious. When I woke up, I found myself lying on my stomach - suspended in midair. I slowly propped myself up with my elbows, and flipped myself over so I would take on a sitting position. I sat on the floor of what looked to be an invisible box attached to the ceiling.

I looked down and around to see that though the ceiling was high, the room was relatively small. On the floor, there were a variety of machines with men and women operating them. I was unsure of what they were doing, and wasn't very interested in finding out.

Chapter 3

I sat slumped in the bus seat, waiting as the bus rolled along to the school. Why did the route have to be so long? Why not have more busses instead of forcing kids to spend nearly an hour getting to school in the morning?

I checked my phone, anxious to get a response from Andrew. Last night he'd said that he needed to talk to me before class this morning, and wouldn't tell me why.

When bus ride was finally over, I was

"I have what you want." He said before I could speak. He grabbed my hand, and dragged me down to a storage closet. He took a chair, and wedged it under the doorknob so we couldn't be interrupted.

"Which is...?" I gestured for him to explain.

From his back pocket, Andrew pulled out a small metal box. He placed it in the palm of my hand and said, "say 'Open Sesame.'"

"What?" I repeated, a little confused.

"Just say it." He ordered.

"Fine." I held the box up, and begrudgingly said, "open sesame."

A second later, the box folded and twisted, and took on the appearance of a very small robotic cat.

I looked over at Drew and he said, "it is programmed to respond to your voice, and your voice only. The command to reveal itself is, of course 'open sesame.' To shut it down, simply say 'close sesame.'"

"Why 'sesame?'" I asked.

"That's it's name," he answered.

"Why do I need this?" I asked. "No offense, I appreciate you making something like this, but why?"

"What? I can't give a nearly invincible robotic cat with laser capabilities to my friend without a reason?" He asked innocently.

"It has laser capabilities?" I repeated raising an eyebrow.

"Through its eyes." He said quickly, "the important thing is, try to keep it on you at all times."



"What is going to happen?" I asked him. Drew, being an ace, had an ability. His ability was to see into the future. Sometimes, I was a bit jealous of him, as even the government didn't believe they existed, and therefore wasn't trying to track down the aces.

"You know I can't tell you the future, Penny." He said.

My eyes narrowed as I glared at him, "you tell me what's going to happen all the time, why not this time?"

"I-I just can't." He was stuttering. Drew never stuttered.

Whatever this was, it had to be important. I decided to drop it, for now. After school, I was going to confront him about it, and I'd find out then.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, pretending to forget about it. "I'll find out soon enough." I dislodged the chair, and started to leave the room when I remembered the little metal kitten that had climbed onto my shoulder. "Close, Sesame." I commanded, catching the little silver box as it stated to slide down my shoulder.

I took off my boot, slid in the box, and put the boot back on. I left the closet, and went down to lunch.

Chapter 3ish

I entered the cafeteria, and headed towards my usual table. When I sat down, I was immediately asked by Beth where I'd been.

"Nowhere." I tried to play it off.

"I'll bet she was with that Drew nerd again." Maddie said, taking a bite out of her salad.

"I was not!" I protested.

Something in my voice must've given me away, because the two of them immediately yelled, "Called it!"

I rolled my eyes, and started removing the contents of my paper lunch bag. "You two have no idea what you're talking about."

"Is he a good kisser?" Beth prompted.

"Sure." I said indifferently, worried about Drew's vague warning. Had I slipped up? Was I being monitored? I had been using my ability more and more lately. Beth and Maddie continued discussing an imaginary relationship between Drew and I while I stressed out about what his warning could mean. Why didn't he tell me what was going on?

I was still thinking about it after lunch ended. I barely payed attention until the classroom phone rang. After answering it, the teacher told me I was being called down to the principal's office. I stood up, and slowly made my way down to the office. The closer I got, the more paranoid I became.

I stood in front of the door, and hesitated before pushing the door open. I was met with the unpleasant sight of the principal, and a familiar couple, the Inas.

"Please take a seat, Penny." The principal commanded, gesturing to the empty seat in front of his desk.

"What's this about?" I asked, feigning cluelessness.

"One of the secretaries noticed that none of the numbers listed on your transcript actually lead anywhere. She decided to find the address, and 'parents' listed on it. She then contacted me, and it turns out, that they have no idea who you are. Would you care to explain?" The three of them stared at me.

What was I supposed to say? My parents had abandoned me when I was 8, and since then I'd been living off the streets. I'd recently made up a fake transcript to go to high school, and I'd been stealing any mail from the school from the Inas' mailbox. Honestly, it was a miracle no-one had caught on sooner.

"Its a big school." I said instead. "Maybe there was a mix-up?"

"The problem with that is that none of the teachers have ever met your parents, and the Inas don't even live within this school district." The principal continued accusingly.

"I think that you're blowing what was probably just a filing error way out of proportion." I said snarkily.

"Alright then, who are your actual parents?" Ms. Ina asked.

"That's none of your business." I turned back to the principal, "Why are they here?"

"To help make a point." The principal answered. "Also, you should probably answer the question... unless you want to be arrested."

"That sounds a little... extreme." I answered.

"I have no idea who you are, and you refuse to cooperate-"

"Alright, fine. My parents are dead, and I did this so I could go to school, ok?" I offered up and explanation, knowing the questions it would raise.

Of course, the principal could see right through me, and next thing I knew I was in a police station. An officer was going through some kind of database, trying to figure out who I was. For the moment, they were assuming that I was a runaway kid, but couldn't figure out why I'd go to the trouble to create a fake identity just to go to school.

A second officer approached the one at the computer.

"You find anything?" he asked.


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