Forbidden Love

This work has been abandoned.
This work has thirteen chapters with a word count of just over 6.6k.
Scroll to the end for an old draft at the end consisting of ten chapters.
This work contains sexual content in chapter twelve.

Chapter 1

"I love you so much," Kenna whispered into my ear.

"I love you too, sweetheart." My arms were wrapped around my tiny human girlfriend. She was snuggling into me and my wolfish warmth. On the screen across from the couch we laid on, the ending of Deadpool was playing.

"I love you more," she responded sleepily.

I stroked her long beautiful blonde hair. She soon fell asleep. I was glad that the lights were already off. I carefully reached for the remote to turn off the tv. In the darkness I clutched Kenna, instinctively protecting her even though there was nothing for me to protect her from.

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep as well.

Chapter 2

I woke up with my face in Jesse's warm chest. I could feel her arms and legs wrapped around my body. I smiled, enjoying her warm embrace as I attempted to drift back off to sleep. Unfortunately, my reentry to the dreamrealm was interrupted by an unwelcome thought - school.

"Jesse." I whispered.

"Mmmngh." She muttered, still asleep.

"We gotta go to school." I poked her in an attempt to get her attention.


"SCHOOL." I emphasized.

"What?" She jumped, now awake, and I almost fell off of the couch. "Sorry."

"Its ok." I said as she sat up, moving me so that I sat in her lap.

After a moment she picked me up and placed me upright on the floor in front of her. "Come on. Let's go."

I nodded, then walked over to the corner to grab my phone from the outlet it was charging. School started in less than 20 minutes. I ran out of the den, and into my room where I got ready for school. I pulled on my backpack, and rushed to the bathroom where I quickly brushed my teeth.

I entered the kitchen to find my little sister Winnie sitting at the table, and Jesse mixing a bowl of yellowish batter. I sat down in the chair next to Winnie, and watched as Jesse poured the smooth liquid into the waffle iron.

A minute later, she was scraping off a waffle and sliding it onto a paper plate. She placed the plate, and bag of powdered sugar in front of Winnie. Jesse gave my 6-year-old sister a spoon, and returned to make more waffles.

"Why does she get a waffle first?" I complained.

"Because," came Jesse's response.

Once we were done eating, we all hurried into Jesse's car. Winnie sat in the back, and I sat up front next to Jesse, who drove.

No-one spoke as Jesse sped off to the primary school to drop off Winnie. She waited in the car as I brought Winnie into the school. The younger kids' schedule started about an hour after the high school one, but there were some teachers who'd watch kids that didn't ride the bus.

"When do you think we'll be able to leave?" I asked her.

"Soon. I've been contacting other packs, trying to find one that'll accept us, but its hard. My pack is kind of isolated you know." Jesse seemed slightly annoyed that I'd asked her again.

"Its ok," I quickly responded.

"Its fine that you asked," she glanced over at me, "I'm just a bit stressed out. Don't worry, its not your fault. I just, I wish my pack wasn't so conservative, then I could just change you and we'd be fine."

"I know, I know." I sat back. "I just wish it wasn't like this."

"Yeah." She drove into the high school parking lot.

We climbed out of the car, grabbing our backpacks as we did so. As I ran towards the building, Jesse locked the card door.

Luckily, we got inside before the late bell rang, and managed to avoid detention.

Chapter 3

I sat in the cafeteria next to Penny, not wanting to talk to her. Kenna came and sat down on the other side of me.

"You stink of her." Penny hissed, at me as if Kenna couldn't hear. She was severally underestimating human hearing.

"Well that's rude," I turned over to Kenna. "Don't you think?"

"Yeah," she said hesitantly, looking between the two of us. "I'm gonna go get lunch." She stood up, and headed over to the lunch line.

I watched as Kenna walked away, then turned my attention back to Penny. "Why do you care about what I do in my spare time?"

"I care if it involves a wolf falling for a human." She borderline growled at me, trying not to alert the nearby students of our conversation.

"I'm afraid I don't see what the problem is," I answered in an even tone - trying to stay calm.

"If that was true, then you wouldn't be trying to leave." Penny accused.

"What are you implying?" I asked feigning innocence.

"You've been contacting another pack. I don't know which one, and I don't know where, but you're trying to get a transfer." She jabbed a finger in my face.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. You have no proof." I tried to play it off, but I remembered seeing her around a lot more lately. I thought she was jealous of me having my upcoming mating ceremony, but now I was seeing that there were more menacing intentions to her sneaking around.

"I've got all the proof I need." She spoke through gritted teeth in an effort to appear intimidating as she glared up at me. Even while sitting, this tiny pup was no match for my 6'3 frame.

"And what are you going to do with it?" I leaned in, eager to hear what was going to come out of her mouth.

"I'm going to use it to make sure that you never leave." She hissed.

"I honestly don't see how you could do that. Seeing as there's nothing that you can do to stop me. You can't tell Leah, because she's too deluded to believe you. And you can't tell anyone else because they won't believe you either. You'll just come off as a whiny little brat who wants to take control. Don't worry, you'll get it eventually, just not from fighting me. Save your strength for the real battle - the one against Jacob."

She sat there, fish mouthed and trying to come up with an argument while at the same time having no understanding of the situation.

I looked up to see Kenna waking over to us with her lunch. To Penny I said, "Leave."

Penny stood up and walked away. She glared at my sly look that followed her as she crossed the cafeteria. Luckily for me, we were the only two of the pack with the same lunch period. I didn't know who else was involved with whatever she was planning, but a fight would've probably broken out.

Kenna sat next to me, eating the school-provided peanut and butter jelly sandwich.

"Sorry I didn't make you a lunch this morning." I apologized. I always tried to avoid letting her eat the god-awful school lunch. She said she didn't want me to, but I was infinitely better at making an edible meal than the lunch ladies.

"You didn't have to, and what would you have even gotten out of the kitchen?" She smiled as though my apology was stupid. I guess it was.

I pulled her into a hug.

"Hey!" she laughed in surprise.

"What I can't hug you?" I joked.

"I'm going to get peanut butter on your shirt." She whined.

"Don't care." I buried my face into her hair, smelling her scent and not letting her see my face. I loved this human so much. I didn't want to leave her, but I just might have to.

I regretted leaving Kenna to ride home on the bus, but I had to go back to my sister's house. At least the ride there provided me plenty of time to talk to the head of the SkyLife pack. By the time I was nearing the massive mansion reserved for the alpha of The Moondrop Pack, I was feeling a lot better than.

The entirety of the 43-member pack lived in houses on a dead-end street. The street was long, and all the houses had been in the family for generations.

I parked the car in the driveway. The extravagant house was reserved for the alpha. I lived in it with my sister and her mate. I was the younger sister, but being next in line, I was allowed to live in it. I climbed out of the car, and trudged through the snow to the entrance and through the house to my room.

I sat on the bed, and was just finishing up what was hopefully going to be my last desperate phone call, when my sister ran into the room.

"Hey Jesse! How are you? Are you excited?" The fast-talking Leah landed next to me on the bed, her long silvery ponytail whipping around her, emphasizing her excitement.

Trying to move into the new conversation, I tried to understand what she was tying to say. I knew what she would want me to be excited about wasn't reality. My mind was a blank as I tried to answer her and finally settled with, "Excited about what?"

"Your mating ceremony, silly." She nudged me playfully, an obnoxious grin plastered across her face.

"Oh yeah, that." I glared off to the right, remembering the reason for me leaving in the first place.

"What's that for? This is what you've been waiting for your whole life. You're a werewolf, act like one. You can't be alone forever, you need a man."

"No." I stated, building my confidence.

"What?" She sat back, shocked at my defiance.

"I'm not going to have some old guy I've never met forced on me just because you think I need a mate." I turned to face her, pissed off.

"You've met Jacob." Leah insisted, ignoring most of what I'd said.

"One time when I was barely five." I pointed out.

"Look, Jesse, you have to be mated by the time you turn 18. If you had already found your mate, we wouldn't be in this situation." She sounded as if she thought she was doing me a favor.

I sighed, knowing that I wasn't going to leave this conversation without her getting madder. It could ruin the whole thing. What would happen to Kenna then? "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over to me. I think I'm just nervous you know? I've been a loner all my life and suddenly I'll have some guy knowing my every thought."

"Don't worry. You'll love it." Leah hugged me.

"Do you think I could have some time to myself to think about it?" I looked over at her, smiling sadly.

"Of course," she answered sweetly as she left the room.

The second she closed the door, I dropped the smile, and slid off the bed. I ran to the closet, and pulled out my black backpack, confirming that everything that I'd need was in there. I walked over to the window, opened it, and leaped out of the opening. I landed gently in a snow drift.

I walked around the building to get to where my car was parked. I tossed my bag into the back, then plugged in my phone to charge. I was about to turn on the car and leave, but I realized that I couldn't leave without saying goodbye.

I stripped, and left my clothing in the car as I walked away from the home and towards the forest. As I walked, I slowly shifted into my wolf form, enjoying the feel of my humanoid features melting into those of my wolf. Once my hands were paws, and I was fully protected from the snow in my furry brown form I could run faster through the deep snow.

Chapter 4

I stood in the hallway, dreaming about tomorrow when Jacob would finally arrive to help out with preparations for the ceremony. There had been marriages between the Moondrop and the Chrystal packs, but none as important as this one.

What are you doing?

I squealed at the playful tone coming from my beautiful mate, and jumped into his arms. He'd been out all day and I couldn't stand being away from him. He could see all my thoughts, so I didn't bother answering his question, and instead I reached up to kiss him.

He turned around to push me against the wall as he kissed me back. I completely forgot about the new alliance that would be created by Jesse's mating ceremony, and instead focused on Christian's sweet embrace.

Chapter 5

I ran, plowing through the deep powdery snow. I didn't care who saw me, all I cared about was my destination. I ran through the extensive forest that surrounds the street where the Moondrop pack lives. I tore across a stream, cracking the thin ice that tried to hover above the slow-moving water beneath.

With my speed, it didn't take me very long before I reached my destination, a large cave at the base of a cliff. I slowed as I arrived, walking into the entrance of the stone room. I continued through the cold, dark chamber, shifting into my human form as the room narrowed.

I walked a bit, then arrived in a second, slightly smaller room. Though the ceiling of the previous chamber was filled with stalactites, and the walls were rough, the walls to this one were perfectly smooth. The only things present in this room were a variety of large stones resting on the ground. Each stone had a pair of names carefully carved into it, and each name belonged to an alpha.

The stones were lined up in curved rows along the borders of the room. Underneath each one, the ashes of the dead rested underneath a thin layer of soil. I walked across the room, and fell to my knees in front of the newest stone in the room. I reached out, grasping it gently.

"I have come to ask you for your forgiveness." I spoke aloud, breaking the silence. "I will be leaving, and I will not be coming back. I wish I could stay, but Leah has made remaining in the Moondrop pack an option I can no longer consider. I'm sorry, but I have to go."

I closed my eyes and bowed my head.

I don't know how long I stayed there. When I finally stood up, and left the cave, it was dark. I shifted back into my wolf form, and ran back. Once I was next to my car, I stood up, shifting into my human form. I opened the car door, and picked up my clothing from where I'd left it on the seat.

I quickly got dressed, then climbed into the car and closed the door. I pulled the keys from my pants pocket, and started the car. I sat there for a while, my head leaning against the steering wheel, trying not to cry.

I hated this place, but I'd always known it as home. Yeah my sister was unbearable, but it was almost fun having her around.

I sat up and looked ahead, collecting myself. Those things didn't matter. I needed to be strong for Kenna. I needed to make sure that her and her sister were protected and somewhere they wouldn't have to deal with their often-absent mother and her abusive tendencies. Finally, I had secured the place.

Chapter 6

I was sitting on my bed, working on my homework, when I heard the customized barking tone which signaled a text from Jesse. I crawled across the bed to grab my phone, and smiled when I read that Jesse was on her way over.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock at the door. I jumped down from the bed, and ran out to the front room to see Winnie hugging Jesse's leg. Jesse looked up to see me, and walked over to me with my sister still clinging to her leg.

She held up a finger, and I stopped. I watched as Jesse slowly coaxed Winnie to go to her room. Jesse followed me into my room.

"Sit." She gestured towards the bed.

I sat down on the bed, facing her. She crouched down, so that she was looking up at me. She took my hands in hers, and looked down at the floor, a sad expression on her face. "Kenna, I'm afraid that-"

She stopped, and I worriedly prompted her to continue with, "What?"

She looked up at me, smirking, "The alpha of the SkyLife pack has fully accepted my request to join them, and we leave tonight."

"Oh my god!" I squealed, jumping down into her arms. Jesse stood up, swinging me around in a hug. "Winnie can come too, right?" I asked in clarification as she put me down.

"Yeah. Go get her." Jesse ordered, pointing towards the door.

I started towards it, then turned around. "Do you think she'll understand? I mean this is really sudden and-"

"Hey." Jesse interrupted. "Winnie's a smart girl. She'll cope. Tell her, then get ready."

I left to find Winnie sitting on the floor of her room, reading. "Winnie?"

"What?" she replied, barely looking up from the pages.

"I need to tell you something."

"You just did," she said, still not looking up from her book.

I rolled my eyes. "Winnie, this is serious."

She sighed, and lowered the book, keeping a finger in between the pages she was on so she didn't lose her place. "What do you want to tell me?"

I hesitated slightly, then bursted out with, "Jesse is a werewolf."

Winnie looked off to the side, then the other side, then looked up at me with a 'duh' expression. "I already knew that."

y jaw dropped as I stared at her. "How?"

"Well, you're not exactly discreet when you're talking, and I've seen her come over as a wolf." She explained in an obnoxious, know-it-all tone.

"So you've known, and you never said anything?" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yeah, I figured you were eventually going to tell me, so, whatever. Can I go back to my book, now please?" she requested.

"No." I walked over to where she sat, and snatched up the book. "You are going to pack."

"Hey!" she yelled, annoyed that I took it without saving her place. "Why?" she demanded, in response to my previous statement.

"Because we are leaving," I explained.

"Why?" She repeated.

"Because if we don't, Jesse's crazy sister is probably going to kill us both." That was an exaggeration, but Winnie didn't need to know that.

"Fine." Winnie begrudgingly stood up, glaring at me. She pointed up at me, trying to look menacing, despite her barely 4' tall second-grader body, "But I'm going to get an explanation out of you."

"We'll fill you in once we get in the car." I assured her as she made her way over to the closet.

I helped her pack, then went back to my room. I saw Jesse lying on floor.

"You ok?" I asked her, heading over to the closet.

"Yeah," she stood up. "I'm gonna go and help out Winnie.

I quickly got ready, and met them in the hallway. We headed out to Jesse's car.

Chapter 7

I climbed into the back of Jesse's car, clutching my backpack and library book. After a moment, Jesse and my sister were climbing in as well, tossing bags onto the empty seat to my left.

"Can I return this?" I asked showing them the book.

Tell you what," Jesse started, "You hang onto that and once we get there we can find a library and return it there. The libraries have a system, right? It'll get to the right place eventually."

I nodded as she pulled out of the driveway. I moved back in the seat and buckled up. I saw my sister do so as well. "Are you going to explain anything to me?"

"Well." It was Kenna talking, "You said that you already know what Jesse is-"

"Just ask questions and we'll answer what you want to know." Jesse interrupted, smiling at me in the rearview mirror.

I thought for a moment. All I really knew was that Jesse could change into a wolf, and that she and my sister were in love. "Where are we going?"

Jesse looked over to my sister who was in turn looking at her expectantly.

"We are going to New York to join the SkyLife pack." Jesse answered, looking back at the road.

"Don't you have a pack?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, but that pack is... old-fashioned. They don't want humans and wolves to be together. They think that its wrong and that humans will taint the bloodline." Jesse explained.

"That's stupid." I said, furrowing my brow as I wondered why they thought this.

"Yes, yes it is." Jesse laughed lightly.

"So why are we leaving so quickly?" I asked.

"It took a while to arrange this set up. The SkyLife alpha couldn't believe that someone from the MoonDrop pack would want to join them, and they just agreed today. One more day and-" suddenly she cut herself off.

Kenna reached over to rub her shoulder, and I assumed that there was something I was missing. What was going to happen if she waited another day? I assumed that it would be pretty bad. I didn't say anything after that, but I knew that I was going to find out about it eventually.

I jolted awake from the motion, or lack of motion, of the car stopping. I looked around, blurry eyes as I tried to get ahold of my surroundings. My feet were wet, and I realized that the water was a product of the vehicle's heat and the snow that had stuck to my feet when I climbed into the car.

I could hear Jesse and Kenna talking, but I couldn't tell what based on their whispers.

"What's going on?" I spoke up after a minute of trying and failing to listen to the conversation.

"You're awake?" Kenna said, looking back at me to confirm that I'd actually said anything.

I nodded.

"We're going to have to change cars." Jesse answered my question.

"Why?" I asked.

"Penny might be able to track this car, and I don't want to take any chances." Jesse further explained.

I didn't ask who Penny was, assuming that she was someone from her pack. I did say, "How are we going to get another car?"

"I've been stealing money from my sister's husband for a while now. Been taking his credit card at random intervals to make withdrawals from the bank. He just assumes that my sister is using it as shopping money and doesn't question her. I've got enough to rent a small car for a few days." Jesse turned back to look at me. "Among other things."

"Ok. So, when are we going?" I asked, unbuckling my seatbelt.

"We were just about to wake you up, so I guess we're going now." Jesse reached over to grab her backpack, mine, and Kenna's.

"I can carry my own bag," Kenna protested, trying to grab her overstuffed backpack from Jesse's hand.

"Nonsense." Jesse took on a terrible British accent. "One lady so fine as thy shall never risk arm injury avec un bag so heavy as 'tis."

"What the hell?" Kenna spoke tightly as she leaned back in her seat laughing.

I giggled as I watched them.

"Yees. Dis bag is too heavy forth such a delicate flower as such to even attempt to be in the position in which she would break under the strain of such a load." She began to laugh herself. After a moment, she collected herself, and opened the driver's-side door. "Come on. Let's go."

I opened the door next to me, and Kenna did the same. It was dark out, but that didn't stop the car rental establishment from being open and busy. I waited off to the side with my sister one one of the benches, trying to stay warm in the poorly heated establishment as Jesse waited in line and talked to the guy behind the counter about prices.

Chapter 8

I spent so long driving up to where the SkyLife pack was located, but it was worth it. When we finally got to the small town that the pack occupied, we were warmly welcomed and given a small apartment to use until we could get jobs in the area.

I would be required to transform some humans in nearby places and bring them here, but first and most importantly was Kenna. I was talking to her, preparing, when Winnie came in.

"Are you going to turn my sister into a werewolf?" she asked.

"Yes," I admitted.

"Well then." She walked between us. "Change me first."

I was a bit startled, but I said, "alright then. Why not?"

I walked forward, and crouched down, melting into my large, red wolf form. Winnie reached out an arm and I reached out and bit it. She screamed and I shifted back.

"You ok?" I asked, knowing it was a painful procedure.

"I think-" she looked down as the bite quickly healed and disappeared.

Suddenly, she got very hairy, and transformed into a tiny blonde wolf. Kenna and I stood there for a bit. We looked at each other and shrugged. I crouched down and pet Winnie on the head. She growled at me.

I transformed into my large red wolf form, and growled back. Winnie whimpered, and I apologetically licked her head. Kenna reached out her arm. I looked up into her eyes, and she nodded. I gently took her arm in my mouth and bit down.

She whimpered, but stayed strong. It didn't take very long for her to change into a larger, golden-furred wolf.

I shifted back into my human form and embraced her. I was so happy to have my new family here together.

Chapter 9

"Winnie, do you mind staying with some of the other kids of this pack while Kenna and I go out?" Jesse asked my sister.

"Where are you going?" she demanded.

"We are going to go and help pay off our debt to this clan for agreeing to accept us," she explained.

"How?" Winnie asked.

"We are going to a nearby town to transform a school to add to the werewolf population," I explained.

"Why?" was Winnie's response.

"Because it's the duty of the three races to transform as much of the human population as necessary." Jesse looked proud as she spoke. Her chest was puffed out and she had this look on her face.

"What are the three races?" Winnie inquired.

"The three races are the Fairies, the Werewolves, and the Merpeople. We all coexist, mostly in secret from the humans, but as the humans have been destroying the Earth, we have all agreed that we must transform as many humans as possible to join us and appreciate our better lifestyles," Jesse explained.

"So that's why you bit us," Winnie mused.

"No. I bit your sister because I love her, and I bit you because I want you to live with us," Jesse assured her. "This trip to transform a school. That is for the cause."

"Can I come?" Winnie requested.

Jesse looked at me.

I shrugged, not minding.

"Well, it'll go faster with an extra mouth," Jesse guessed. "Now that you are a werewolf, your bite will transform any human."

"Awesome. Let's go." Winnie headed for the door.

We drove up to the high school. It was in the middle of the day, so it was in session and everyone was inside. Winnie transformer into her wolf form, and Jesse ordered her to begin stalking the perimeter of the school.

The two of us went in through the front entrance. It was locked, but Jesse pushed through anyways. We were spotted by the greeter, and soon after a lock down was declared.

We both transformed. Jesse headed off into the school, and I went into the offices and bit all the school faculty I could find.

I turned back, and could hear screaming towards where Jesse had gone. I went through a door that hasn't yet been knocked down, and barked though it. It was a math classroom. The students stared at me from the corner; mesmerized.

I stalked towards them, then lunched, biting the girl closest to me. It didn't take long before I'd gotten the whole room, even though some of the students fought against me. When I left the room, there was about a dozen scared and confused wolves sitting on the floor. This continued until everyone in the school was transformed.

Once this happened, Jesse made her way to the office in human form and got ahold of the speaker for announcements. "Will everyone please make their way to the auditorium?" she demanded.

I'd found the location earlier while I was wandering around the school, so I headed in and jumped up onstage in my wolf form. Jesse soon joined me as a human.

The room slowly filled up with the students, who appeared in both human and wolf forms.

"You have all been transformed today because us, the werewolves need less humans around and more of us. Now, y'all have two choices. One - you can come to the town of SkyLife and join us in our ways of living. Or two - you can go home and see how you are able to deal with this on your own." Jesse spike into the mike grinning. Towards the end of her speech, her voice got a little sing-songy. Her red hair framed her face in a frizzy explosion, making her look like a bit of a madman. "Well it's up for you to decide. See you around." She began backing away from the mike and gestured for me to follow.

We left the school and found Winnie waiting for us.

"Some wolves come out of the school and transformed before driving away," she reported, "though I did manage to transform a couple of escapees."

"That's good," Jesse patted my sister's head. "Let's go back."

Chapter 10

Not all of the ex-humans from the school showed up that evening, but most of them did. Noticeably, none of the adults showed up. The alpha of the SkyLife pack, Ryan, was a bit disappointed in my sloppiness, but even he had to admit that I'd brought a large haul for the pack.

The ceremony began that evening. The Alpha transformed into the massive grey wolf he was, and stood in front of me, my family, and all of the newly transformed humans. First, he came to me.

"For your great contribution, I now accept you, and your family into the SkyLife pack." He blowed on each of us. The Alpha magic within him embraced us, putting him under his command, and establishing us as members of the pack.

We walked off to the side, still as our wolf forms as Ryan continued with the rest of the packless werewolves standing around, waiting. Being newly turned and somewhat confused, they were not required to give the leader offerings to join. We watched as he went around, spreading his magic, and expanding his pack.

Once he was done, I returned to my new home with Kenna and her sister.

There was another ceremony to be performed, and this one did not involve Winnie, or anyone else other than myself and Kenna. Our mating ceremony. This was a private affair that does not involve you or anyone else. All I will say is that in the aftermath of it, Kenna and I were bonded in a way that linked our very minds telepathically. What she felt, I would feel and vice versa.

Now that we were able to communicate mentally, we were a proper werewolf pair. Life would be much better going on.

Chapter 11

I was in a state of shock during my escape home. Werewolves existed? One bit me? I was now a werewolf? What the fuck? This was insane.

I went straight home and hid in my room. I sat down in my bean bag chair and tried to come to terms with what was happening. My head hurt, in more ways than one.

I was panicking, trying to rationalize what had just happen. I had new cravings for meat. Luckily I wasn't looking for human flesh, just meat. I ran down to the kitchen and grabbed all of my brother's slimjims and beef jerky out of the cabinets. I ripped the packages open with my teeth (which felt longer than normal) and shoved the meat into my mouth.

After a few minutes, I found myself sitting on the floor surrounded by plastic packages. I could taste the salty meat on my tongue. The plastic containers made me mad for some reason. I grabbed all the crinkly packages and shoved them in the trash. They were gone now, but I still didn't like them.

I had the urge to go running through the woods. I left the house and instinctively dropped down on all fours. I went through the surprisingly painless process of transforming into my new wolf form. I ran down the street, and out into the woods that were across the street in the back.

The woods surrounded a lot of the town. I felt much better once I was in them. I ran and I ran and I ran, through the tall trees and across the mossy ground. I felt a certain freedom as I made my way through the beautiful forest. Eventually, I made my way to some sort of gathering. I could see others like me there. I even recognized some of my classmates. Was this where everyone had ended up?

I went forward to join the group. Everyone was going through some kind of initiation. I was about to leave when a massive wolf showed up and blew on me. I cowered, scared of him, but after a moment, I felt save. This wolf would protect me. He would lead me. We would be together and apart.

I was under his command.

Chapter 12

The mating ceremony was an amazing affair. For two werewolves to be mated, they had to bite each other at the same time, during the high point of sex.

We started off, sitting alone in our room as Winnie slept in hers. We were on the bed, slowly making out. After a moment, we silently agreed to undress.

I was pressed down against the bed by Jesse. My hands were held down above me as Jesse peppered my neck with kisses. She slowly made her way down to my breasts. I moaned quietly as she sucked on my nipple.

After a bit, she moved her hands down and began to stroked the inside of my thighs. In a bold move, I moved one of her hands to my vagina. She smiled, and began stroking it gently, gradually becoming rougher.

"I think you need some special attention," Jesse said to me. She shifted her body so that her ass was in my face and her face was hovering over mine. She leaned down, and licked my clit. I moaned and began to suck on her beautiful pussy.

As we went on, I felt myself partially transform, and I noticed that Jesse had as well. I didn't mind. This what who we were. What was wrong with showing our other sides during the devil's tango?

Soon enough, I was reaching my climax. I managed to hold it off until Jesse was ready. As we were going to release, we bit down on each other's thighs. It hurt, but nowhere near as much when Jesse had bitten me to change me. It was partially softened by the pleasure I was feeling, and partially by the fact that as a werewolf, I now healed faster and felt less pain.

After we had each been pleasured and bitten, Jesse rolled off of me and we both laid on the bed next to each other.

After a moment, I heard her voice in my head. "I love you."

Not yet fully understanding the mental connection created by being mated, I said aloud, "I love you too."

Chapter 13

I sat in my room, mentally going through the information of my new subordinates. While I greatly disapproved of Jesse's methods, being risky and likely to expose us, I was impressed by the sheer number of new members that she had brought us.

Even before I put them under my control, there was something in them that seemed to want to be here. In a way, they were compelled to come. They seemed to desire being around other werewolves, despite never knowing about this world in the past. Maybe it was because she was formerly next in line to become an alpha. Did I have this power? I didn't know. I was always so cautious with letting humans into the pack. Sure most of our extensive pack had started out as humans, but I was always careful about making sure that the majority of humans never found out about our existence.

Maybe this was wrong. Maybe us werewolves should be accelerating our progress, changing more humans faster. It would be in the best interest of the Earth. Also, it would put us ahead of the merpeople and the fairies. We already had a greater population than those two, but doing this would put us way ahead. Neither groups would bother messing with us. We would be the superior.

There was the problem of other packs possibly fighting for dominance, but that hadn't happened in a long time. If my pack suddenly grew much larger, that could be intimidating. Although, if it was that big then no-one would mess with us. We'd have to organize more combat training just in case though.

As I was lying down thinking, my mate entered the room. He jumped on top of me, startling slightly. I sensed his thoughts approaching, but hadn't paid them much attention as I was more concentrated on expanding the pack. I wrapped my arms around Tyler, kissing him.

"What are you doing in here?" he asked me.


"I can tell," he paused. "You want to make the pack bigger?"


"Is this because of that new pup, Jesse? Just because she was showing off-"

"No, this is something I want to do," I cut him off. "I think that it would be best for all of us."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Not really," was my reply. "I'll need some time to think about it."

A few days later.

I stood in front of all my adult pack mates that had been around long enough that I trusted them, even without having the ability to command them. I took a long pause, before finally saying what I wanted to say.

"Ladies, gentlemen, and others. I have gathered you here to say that I am looking to expand the pack, but not as we normally do. I am not asking for you to get hold of a couple of loners this time. Now, I ask for you to transform entire families, buildings, as many people as you can safely get ahold of. Of course, if a parent brandishing a weapon that may hurt you I ask that you seek safety. Otherwise it is my humble request that you capture the maximum number of people that you can. This request is open indefinitely. You do not need to start immediately, though I would prefer it if you would."

When I finished, I was met with murmurs of my pack mates going over what I'd said, and overall they were agreeing with my course of action. Several of them left, and I could tell that they went to carry out my orders. I was glad that I had made the right decision.

After the crowd had dispersed, I went back to my home and Tyler where we had some fun alone.

Bonus Content

Old Draft

Follow the adventures of Kenna and Jesse as they try to life together without being killed by werewolves who believe that a wolf and a human can never be together.

Chapter 1

I watched the end credits scroll up the screen, and laughed at the familiar sight of Deadpool walking onscreen in a Ferris Buller parody. I reached out to grab the remote, but stopped when I realized Kenna had fallen asleep.

Carefully, I moved my arm more tightly around her so that she wouldn't wake up from the movement of me grabbing the remote to turn off the TV. The screen went to black, and I settled back onto the couch, wrapping myself around my tiny human to protect her and keep her warm as we slept.

Kenna snuggled closer into me, and I watched her sleep for a while before my eyes grew heavy. I tried to stay awake as much as I could, but soon slipped away into dreamland with her.

Chapter 2

I woke up with my face in Jesse's warm chest. I could feel her arms and legs wrapped around my body. I smiled, enjoying her warm embrace as I attempted to drift back off to sleep. Unfortunately, my reentry to the dreamrealm was interrupted by an unwelcome thought - school.

"Jesse." I whispered.

"Mmmngh." She muttered, still asleep.

"We gotta go to school." I poked her in an attempt to get her attention.


"SCHOOL." I emphasized.

"What?" She jumped, now awake, and I almost fell off of the couch. "Sorry."

"Its ok." I said as she sat up, holding me in her lap.

After a moment she picked me up and placed me upright on the floor in front of her. "Come on. Let's go."

I nodded, then walked over to the corner to grab my phone from the outlet it was charging. School started in less than 20 minutes. I ran out of the den, and into my room where I got ready for school. I pulled on my backpack, and rushed to the bathroom where I quickly brushed my teeth.

I entered the kitchen to find Winnie sitting at the table, and Jesse mixing a bowl of yellowish batter. I sat down in the chair next to Winnie, and watched as Jesse poured the smooth liquid into the waffle iron.

A minute later, she was scraping off a waffle and sliding it onto a paper plate. She placed the plate, and bag of powdered sugar in front of Winnie. Jesse gave my 6-year-old sister a spoon, and returned to make more waffles.

"Why does she get a waffle first?" I complained.

"Because," came my answer.

I glared jokingly, and Jesse handed me a second plate with another waffle. Soon, I'd received a second, and Jesse was sitting down to eat her own stack of waffles.

Once we'd finished wolfing down all our waffles, we headed out to the car to get to school.

Chapter 3

As Kenna went to get ready, I headed down to the kitchen to find Winnie sitting at the table. The straps of her backpack were slung over the back of the chair she sat in. She was fully dressed, and sat with her hands resting on the table in front of her.

"You slept in," she stated, looking up at me with her big blue eyes.

"So I did," I nodded, heading towards the cabinet. Winnie watched as I assembled waffles. Kenna showed up, but I gave Winnie the first waffles. Once we were done eating, we all hurried into my car. Winnie sat in the back, and Kenna sat up front with me.

No-one spoke as I sped off to the primary school to drop off Winnie. I waited in the car as Kenna brought Winnie into the school. The younger kids' schedule started about an hour after the high school one, but there were some teachers who'd watch kids that didn't ride the bus.

"Did you talk to them this morning?" Kenna asked when she got back. I could tell she'd been wanting to ask but didn't want to say anything in front of Winnie.

I nodded. I wanted to tell her that everything was going to go exactly as expected, but I didn't want to get her hopes up higher then they already were.

"What do you know?"

"I think I'm close, really close. They're listening to me now, and I think we'll be able to do this. Just be ready to leave at any moment." I answered carefully as I pulled into the student parking lot at the high school. We climbed out of the car, grabbing our backpacks as we did so. I locked the car behind me, and we ran towards the entrance of the school.

Luckily, we got there before the late bell rang, managing to avoid detention.

Chapter 4

When the bell dismissed class for lunch, I ran to the cafeteria, slowing down to look around for Jesse. When I finally got to her, I noticed that Penny was sitting next to her.

I sat down, nervous as to why the hostile pack member was talking to Jesse. She usually avoided us for the most part. We were so close - did she figure out that we were trying to leave?

"You stink of her." Penny hissed, thinking I couldn't hear her.

"Well that's rude," Jesse answered, turning to me. "Don't you think?"

"Yeah," I said hesitantly, looking between the two of them. "I'm gonna go get lunch." I stood up, and headed over to the lunch line.

Chapter 5

I watched as Kenna walked away, then turned my attention back to Penny. "Why do you care about what I do in my spare time?"

"I care if it involves a wolf falling for a human." She borderline growled at me, trying not to alert the nearby students of our conversation.

"I'm afraid I don't see what the problem is," I answered in an even tone - trying to stay calm.

"If that was true, then you wouldn't be trying to leave." Penny accused.

"What are you implying?" I asked feigning innocence.

"You've been contacting another pack. I don't know which one, and I don't know where, but you're trying to get a transfer." She jabbed a finger in my face.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. You have no proof." I tried to play it off, but I remembered seeing her around a lot more lately. I thought she was jealous of me having my mating ceremony, but now I was seeing that there were more menacing intentions to her sneaking around.

"I've got all the proof I need." She spoke through gritted teeth in an effort to appear intimidating as she glared up at me. Even while sitting, my 6'3 frame was no match for this tiny pup.

"And what are you going to do with it?" I leaned in, eager to hear what was going to come out of her mouth.

"I'm going to use it to make sure that you never leave." She hissed.

"I honestly don't see how you could do that. Seeing as there's nothing that you can do to stop me. You can't tell Leah, because she's too deluded to believe you. And you can't tell anyone else because they won't believe you either. You'll just come off as a whiny little brat who wants to take control. Don't worry, you'll get it eventually, just not from fighting me. Save your strength for the real battle - the one against Jacob."

She sat there, fish mouthed and trying to come up with an argument while at the same time having no understanding of the situation.

I looked up to see Kenna waking over to us with her lunch. To Penny I said, "Leave."

Penny stood up and walked away. She glared at my sly look that followed her as she crossed the cafeteria. Luckily for me, we were the only two of the pack with the same lunch period. I didn't know who else was involved with whatever she was planning, but a fight would've probably broken out.

Kenna sat next to me, eating the school-provided peanut and butter jelly sandwich.

"Sorry I didn't make you a lunch this morning." I apologized. I always tried to avoid letting her eat the god-awful school lunch. She said she didn't want me to, but I was infinitely better at making an edible meal the the lunch ladies.

"You didn't have to, and what would you have even gotten out of the kitchen?" She smiled as thought my apology was stupid. I guess it was.

I pulled her into a hug.

"Hey!" she laughed in surprise.

"What I can't hug you?" I joked.

"I'm going to get peanut butter on your shirt." She whined.

"Don't care." I buried my face into her hair, smelling her scent and not letting her see my face. I loved this human so much. I didn't want to leave her, but I just might have to.

I regretted leaving Kenna to ride home on the bus, but I had to go back to my sister's house. At least the ride there provided me plenty of time to talk to the head of the SkyLife pack. By the time I was nearing the massive mansion reserved for the alpha of The Moondrop Pack, I was feeling a lot better than.

The entirety of the 43-member pack lived in houses on a dead-end street. The street was long, and all the houses had been in the family for generations.

I parked the car in the driveway of my the extravagant alpha house I lived in with my sister and her mate. I climbed out, and trudged through the snow to the entrance and through the house to my room.

I sat on the bed, and was just finishing up what was hopefully going to be my last desperate phone call, when my sister ran into the room.

"Hey Jesse! How are you? Are you excited?" The fast-talking Leah landed next to me on the bed, her long silvery ponytail whipping around her, emphasizing her excitement.

Trying to move into the new conversation, I tried to understand what she was tying to say. I knew what she would want me to be excited about wasn't reality. My mind was a blank as I tried to answer her and finally settled with, "Excited about what?"

"Your mating ceremony, silly." She nudged me playfully, an obnoxious grin plastered across her face.

"Oh yeah, that." I glared off to the right, remembering the reason for me leaving in the first place.

"What's that for? This is what you've been waiting for your whole life. You're a werewolf, act like one. You can't be alone forever, you need a man."

"No." I stated, building my confidence.

"What?" She sat back, shocked at my defiance.

"I'm not going to have some old guy I've never met forced on me just because you think I need a mate." I turned to face her, pissed off.

"You've met Jacob." Leah insisted, ignoring most of what I'd said.

"One time when I was barely five." I pointed out.

"Look, Jesse, you have to be mated by the time you turn 18. If you had already found your mate, we wouldn't be in this situation." She sounded as if she thought she was doing me a favor.

I sighed, knowing that I wasn't going to leave this conversation without her getting madder. It could ruin the whole thing. What would happen to Kenna then? "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over to me. I think I'm just nervous you know? I've been a loner all my life and suddenly I'll have some guy knowing my every thought."

"Don't worry. You'll love it." Leah hugged me.

"Do you think I could have some time to myself to think about it?" I looked over at her, smiling sadly.

"Of course," she answered sweetly as she left the room.

The second she closed the door, I dropped the smile, and slid off the bed. I ran to the closet, and pulled out my black backpack, confirming that everything that I'd need was in there. I walked over to the window, opened it, and leaped out of the opening. I landed gently in a snow drift.

I walked around the building to get to where my car was parked. I tossed my bag into the back, then plugged in my phone to charge. I was about to turn on the car and leave, but I realized that I couldn't leave without saying goodbye.

I stripped, and left my clothing in the car as I walked away from the home and towards the forest. As I walked, I slowly shifted into my wolf form, enjoying the feel of my humanoid features melting into those of my wolf. Once my hands were paws, and I was fully protected from the snow in my furry brown form I could run faster through the deep snow.

Chapter 6

I stood in the hallway, dreaming about tomorrow when Jacob would finally arrive to help out with preparations for the ceremony. There had been marriages between the Moondrop and the Chrystal packs, but none as important as this one.

What are you doing?

I squealed at the playful tone coming from my beautiful mate, and jumped into his arms. He'd been out all day and I couldn't stand being away from him. He could see all my thoughts, so I didn't bother answering his question, and instead I reached up to kiss him.

He turned around to push me against the wall as he kissed me back. I completely forgot about the new alliance that would be created by Jesse's mating ceremony, and instead focused on Christian's sweet embrace.

Chapter 7

I ran, plowing through the deep powdery snow. I didn't care who saw me, all I cared about was my destination. I ran through the extensive forest that surrounds the street where the Moondrop pack lives. I tore across a stream, cracking the thin ice that tried to hover above the slow-moving water beneath.

With my speed, it didn't take me very long before I reached my destination, a large cave at the base of a cliff. I slowed as I arrived, walking into the entrance of the stone room. I continued through the cold, dark chamber, shifting into my human form as the room narrowed.

I walked a bit, then arrived in a second, slightly smaller room. Though the ceiling of the previous chamber was filled with stalactites, and the walls were rough, the walls to this one were perfectly smooth. The only things present in this room were a variety of large stones resting on the ground. Each stone had a pair of names carefully carved into it, and each name belonged to an alpha.

The stones were lined up in curved rows along the borders of the room. Underneath each one, the ashes of the dead rested underneath a thin layer of soil. I walked across the room, and fell to my knees in front of the newest stone in the room. I reached out, grasping it gently.

"I have come to ask you for your forgiveness." I spoke aloud, breaking the silence. "I will be leaving, and I will not be coming back. I wish I could stay, but Leah has made remaining in the Moondrop pack an option I can no longer consider. I'm sorry, but I have to go."

I closed my eyes and bowed my head.

I don't know how long I stayed there. When I finally stood up, and left the cave, it was dark. I shifted back into my wolf form, and ran back. Once I was next to my car, I stood up, shifting into my human form. I opened the car door, and picked up my clothing from where I'd left it on the seat.

I quickly got dressed, then climbed into the car and closed the door. I pulled the keys from my pants pocket, and started the car. I sat there for a while, my head leaning against the steering wheel, trying not to cry.

I hated this place, but I'd always known it as home. Yeah my sister was unbearable, but it was almost fun having her around.

I sat up and looked ahead, collecting myself. Those things didn't matter. I needed to be strong for Kenna. I needed to make sure that her and her sister were protected and somewhere they wouldn't have to deal with their often-absent mother and her abusive tendencies. Finally, I had secured the place.

Chapter 8

I was sitting on my bed, working on my homework, when I heard the customized barking tone which signaled a text from Jesse. I crawled across the bed to grab my phone, and smiled when I read that Jesse was on her way over.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock at the door. I jumped down from the bed, and ran out to the front room to see Winnie hugging Jesse's leg. Jesse looked up to see me, and walked over to me with my sister still clinging to her leg.

She held up a finger, and I stopped. I watched as Jesse slowly coaxed Winnie to go to her room. Jesse followed me into my room.

"Sit." She gestured towards the bed.

I sat down on the bed, facing her. She crouched down, so that she was looking up at me. She took my hands in hers, and looked down at the floor, a sad expression on her face. "Kenna, I'm afraid that-"

She stopped, and I worriedly prompted her to continue with, "What?"

She looked up at me, smirking, "The alpha of the SkyLife pack has fully accepted my request to join them, and we leave tonight."

"Oh my god!" I squealed, jumping down into her arms. Jesse stood up, swinging me around in a hug. "Winnie can come too, right?" I asked in clarification as she put me down.

"Yeah. Go get her." Jesse ordered, pointing towards the door.

I started towards it, then turned around. "Do you think she'll understand? I mean this is really sudden and-"

"Hey." Jesse interrupted. "Winnie's a smart girl. She'll cope. Tell her, then get ready."

I left to find Winnie sitting on the floor of her room, reading. "Winnie?"

"What?" she replied, barely looking up from the pages.

"I need to tell you something."

"You just did," she said, still not looking up from her book.

I rolled my eyes. "Winnie, this is serious."

She sighed, and lowered the book, keeping a finger in between the pages she was on so she didn't lose her place. "What do you want to tell me?"

I hesitated slightly, then bursted out with, "Jesse is a werewolf."

Winnie looked off to the side, then the other side, then looked up at me with a 'duh' expression. "I already knew that."

My jaw dropped as I stared at her. "How?"

"Well, you're not exactly discreet when you're talking, and I've seen her come over as a wolf." She explained in an obnoxious, know-it-all tone.

"So you've known, and you never said anything?" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yeah, I figured you were eventually going to tell me, so, whatever. Can I go back to my book, now please?" she requested.

"No." I walked over to where she sat, and snatched up the book. "You are going to pack."

"Hey!" she yelled, annoyed that I took it without saving her place. "Why?" she demanded, in response to my previous statement.

"Because we are leaving," I explained.

"Why?" She repeated.

"Because if we don't, Jesse's crazy sister is probably going to kill us both." That was an exaggeration, but Winnie didn't need to know that.

"Fine." Winnie begrudgingly stood up, glaring at me. She pointed up at me, trying to look menacing, despite her barely 4' tall second-grader body, "But I'm going to get an explanation out of you."

"We'll fill you in once we get in the car." I assured her as she made her way over to the closet.

Chapter 9

I laid on my back on the floor of Kenna's room, trying to stay calm. I knew I'd been cutting this a bit short, but it took a long time for the leader of the SkyLife pack to take me seriously. The third-in-line of a major pack wanting a transfer to a lower rank in a lesser-known pack? It was unheard of.

Didn't matter. Kenna and I would be far away from here soon though. Away from Kenna's crazy mother, away from my crazy sister, and we'd be fine. We'd be together at least.

I'd been laying on the floor for a while when I heard Kenna coming into the room.

"You ok?" she asked me, heading over to the closet.

"Yeah." I stood up quickly, then left the room to help Winnie get ready.

"Are you guys going to let me know what's going on?" she asked, stuffing clothes in the bag.

"Yeah." I responded, moving to help her fit everything in. "Once we're in the car and on the way."

"Ok." I helped her get everything, then ran out into the hallway to the bathroom. I got her stuff and Kenna's, then returned to Winnie's rooms and stuffed it all into the bag.

Once it was zipped closed, Winnie followed me out into the hallway, where we met Kenna, then headed out to the car.

Chapter 10

I climbed into the back of Jesse's car, clutching my backpack and library book. After a moment, Jesse and my sister were climbing in as well, tossing bags onto the empty seat to my left.

"Can I return this?" I asked showing them the book.

"Tell you what," Jesse started, "You hang onto that and once we get there we can find a library and return it there. The libraries have a system, right? It'll get to the right place eventually."

I nodded as she pulled out of the driveway. I moved back in the seat and buckled up. I saw my sister do so as well. "Are you going to explain anything to me?"

"Well." It was Kenna talking, "You said that you already know what Jesse is-"

"Just ask questions and we'll answer what you want to know." Jesse interrupted, smiling at me in the rearview mirror.

I thought for a moment. All I really knew was that Jesse could change into a wolf, and that she and my sister were in love. "Where are we going?"

Jesse looked over to my sister who was in turn looking at her expectantly.

"We are going to New York to join the SkyLife pack." Jesse answered, looking back at the road.

"Don't you have a pack?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, but that pack is... old-fashioned. They don't want humans and wolves to be together. They think that its wrong and that humans will taint the bloodline." Jesse explained.

"That's stupid." I said, furrowing my brow as I wondered why they thought this.

"Yes, yes it is." Jesse laughed lightly.

"So why are we leaving so quickly?" I asked.

"It took a while to arrange this set up. The SkyLife alpha couldn't believe that someone from the MoonDrop pack would want to join them, and they just agreed today. One more day and-" suddenly she cut herself off.

Kenna reached over to rub her shoulder, and I assumed that there was something I was missing. What was going to happen if she waited another day? I assumed that it would be pretty bad. I didn't say anything after that, but I knew that I was going to find out about it eventually.

I jolted awake from the motion, or lack of motion, of the car stopping. I looked around, blurry eyes as I tried to get ahold of my surroundings. My feet were wet, and I realized that the water was a product of the vehicle's heat and the snow that had stuck to my feet when I climbed into the car.

I could hear Jesse and Kenna talking, but I couldn't tell what based on their whispers.

"What's going on?" I spoke up after a minute of trying and failing to listen to the conversation.

"You're awake?" Kenna said, looking back at me to confirm that I'd actually said anything.

I nodded.

"We're going to have to change cars." Jesse answered my question.

"Why?" I asked.

"Penny might be able to track this car, and I don't want to take any chances." Jesse further explained.

I didn't ask who Penny was, assuming that she was someone from her pack. I did say, "How are we going to get another car?"

"I've been stealing money from my sister's husband for a while now. Been taking his credit card at random intervals to make withdrawals from the bank. He just assumes that my sister is using it as shopping money and doesn't question her. I've got enough to rent a small car for a few days." Jesse turned back to look at me. "Among other things."

"Ok. So, when are we going?" I asked, unbuckling my seatbelt.

"We were just about to wake you up, so I guess we're going now." Jesse reached over to grab her backpack, mine, and Kenna's.

"I can carry my own bag," Kenna protested, trying to grab her overstuffed backpack from Jesse's hand.

"Nonsense." Jesse took on a terrible British accent. "One lady so fine as thy shall never risk arm injury avec un bag so heavy as 'tis."

"What the hell?" Kenna spoke tightly as she leaned back in her seat laughing.

I giggled as I watched them.

"Yees. Dis bag is too heavy forth such a delicate flower as such to even attempt to be in the position in which she would break under the strain of such a load." She began to laugh herself. After a moment, she collected herself, and opened the driver's-side door. "Come on. Let's go."

I opened the door next to me, and Kenna did the same. It was dark out, but that didn't stop the car rental establishment from being open and busy. I waited off to the side with my sister one one of the benches, trying to stay warm in the poorly heated establishment as Jesse waited in line and talked to the guy behind the counter about prices.

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