Don't Call Me Witch

This story has been discontinued because it's stupid
This work has four chapters with a word count of just over 2k.

Loyce lives in the Kingdom of Wind, the only habitable place on a wasteland of a planet. The Kingdom of Wind is ruled over by Jamie - an evil sorceress. The kingdom is made up mostly by humans, but few carry magic within them. These are witches. Whenever witches are found, they are executed. Whenever someone is found guilty of a crime, no matter how small, they receive a harsh sentence. Any and all rebellions are crushed.
Loyce just wants to live her life peacefully.
Problem is,
She's a witch.

Chapter 1

"You're going to be late for school," my mom warned me.

I shrugged, and continued casually eating bread.

When I was finished, I stood up, grabbed my bag, and walked outside. I set down the street to the school. It was roughly half a mile from my house. I could've taken the bus, but mom said that it was a waste of money. I didn't really care.

I arrived at the school soon enough I stood just outside the building, and looked up at the sky. After a moment, it became to darken.

I smirked, and walked inside. After a moment, a light rain started to fall. My mother said that this town used to be almost a desert before I was born. When I was a baby, it rained every time I cried - and I cried a lot.

I walked down the hallway to my classroom, and sat down in my seat towards the back. The room was mostly empty. Few students had yet to arrive.

"Hi, Loyce." I looked towards the source of the voice.

"Hi, Wendy." I turned my head back facing the front of the room.

"How's it going?" She asked.

"Usual." I glanced over at her. "What do you want?"


"Spit. It. Out." I glared at her.

She leaned over to me and whispered, "I was wondering if you could let up on the rain?"

I grabbed her hair and hissed at her, "For the last time - I'm not a witch."

"Excuse me?" Chimed the teacher from the front of the room. "Is there a problem?"

"No." I replied pleasantly, letting go of Wendy's hair. "I'm just having a nice discussion with my friend Wendy."

The teacher smiled, and turned her attention to something else.

Meanwhile, Wendy was still talking. "I know those red eyes aren't contacts, Witch."

"Don't. Call. Me. Witch." I hissed at her, but she continued.

"I know you did something to the officers that were going to identity as what you are, witch."

Wendy did this every day. She did it so often it was almost expected. I tried to stay calm, but at the same time - the storm outside grew stronger. It was no longer a fun release of energy, it was practically a tantrum of my internal anger.

"Hear that, guys?" Wendy stood up, unexpectedly. "Witch girl's making it rain. Witch girl-"

I shot up, and grabbed her, shoving her against the wall. I wrapped my hands around her neck, unreasonably furious. "Don't." I growled, going into her head, forcing pain. "Call. Me. Witch-"

Someone tried to pull me off her. Half the class had crowded around, and somehow managed to pull me off - barely in time.

I fell to the floor panting, and disoriented. How did I get there? I was sitting down in my seat, and now I was on the floor. The steady patter of rain on the roof seemed much louder than it had a few seconds ago.

I was about to stand up, when the teacher approached me. "Hi, how's-"

I was cut off when she forced some kind of metal band around me neck, and forced me to stand. I looked down at it. "What the hell?"

I looked up at her in confusion. For all my life, everyone had been easily convicted that my red eyes and purple hair weren't the mark of a witch - just coloring and contacts.

Had I done something? I noticed Wendy being helped up from the floor. Around her neck were red marks that looked a bit like hands. Shit.

I looked back at the teacher. She was calling someone - probably the police. It was her duty to report any witches. But, I hadn't done anything that'd mark me as a witch - only a criminal.

I was still standing there with all my classmates staring at me, confused, when the authorities came. I was hit with a stun gun.

Just before I fell back into unconsciousness - I noticed something.

The rain had stopped.

Chapter 2

I woke up in an interrogation room. My hands were changed to a table, and the magic dampener was still around my neck.

"How did you do it?" asked a man in a black suit from across the table.

"Do what?" I asked. "Where am I?"

"In an interrogation room." Replied the man in a blue suit. The man in the black suit gave him a smack.

"Shut up," said the black suit guy. He turned to me. "Your continued existence has been allowed up until now, as you have been greatly benefiting the ecosystem, but due to these recent attacks, we cannot allow you to live."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I demanded. "What attacks?"

The man in the blue suit tentatively raised his hand, hoping to speak. The man in the black suit gestured for him to say what he wanted to say.

"We know you are a witch, and that you have been creating rainstorms around you city." Said the blue suit man. "This has been tolerated, as it has been benefiting the area, and stopped the small rebellion that was building because of how dry it was, but now-"

"Now you have attacked several of your classmates, and killed one of our officers, and-"

"Whoa woah woah. I've never killed anyone." I started at them in disbelief, wondering what the hell was going on.

The black suit whispered something to the blue suit guy that sounded something like "its worse than we thought," leaving me even more confused.


They both shut up at that, and turned to face me nervously.

Chapter 3

"Well?" I leaned forward expectantly. When neither of them said anything, I sat back and said, "Goddamn it."

Within seconds, everything went black, again.

When I was conscious again, I was in the middle of a large room. In front of me was a woman standing with her back turned to me. When she turned around, I immediately identified her as Jamie, the powerful sorceress who ruled The Kingdom Of Wind.

I was about to speak when she said, "You do not immediately bow before your leader?"

I just stared blankly at her. "No, I don't bow at the sight of my leader, especially when said leader is a psycho who has had me kidnapped, and dragged off to two different unknown places, in just as many chapters - WITHOUT EXPLANATION."

Jamie sighed, "Fair enough... Wait - what what did you just say?"

I paused, and looked around a bit, confused. I looked up at Jamie and said, "I don't remember."

"You're even more powerful than I thought," she breathed in awe.

"What? Why? Is it because I'm the main character?" I scoffed, and the sorceress's eyes widened. "I assume that's the reason why I'm even alive in the first place as well. Now can you explain, this plot makes no sense."

"Of course." She smiled a sweet, fake smile, and her voice dripped with venom.

"Ooh." I remarked in a mocking tone to the ceiling, "using fancy words, thinking it makes the story more interesting, when ultimately it does NOTHING."

"Will. You. Shut. Up!?!?!" Jamie screamed at me.

"Yeah. Sure." I shrugged. "Why don't you clue us in on exactly why you didn't have me killed as a baby for being a witch - other than the plot, of course."

"I was getting to that." She forced out through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, yeah, get to your monologuing." I rolled my eyes, "I hate monologuing."

Suddenly, I was hurled across the room, and pinned up against the wall. If my hands hand't been handcuffed together, they probably would've been splayed out to either side.

"This is the force of the element of wind." Jamie explained. "A witch will posses control over one of the four elements - water, air, earth, or fire. I originally let you live with your power over water, because it helped the economy in the area where you live - which was trying to riot. The problem came when you started having violent outbursts, and exhibiting telepathic and telekinetic abilities."

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I said, thinking about all the blank spots that had been appearing in my memory lately.

"Yes you do, sorceress." She smirked, and the invisible force that'd been keeping me pinned against the wall vanished, and I fell to the floor.

"Manufactured tension, and clunky exposition," I mumbled to the floor, "I applaud your efforts."

I pushed against the floor, and managed to stand up fairly quickly. "Are you serious?" I spoke to Jamie, "I'm not a sorceress."

"Yes, I'm serious." She turned around, and walked a few steps away, and turning back around to continue. "Only once in a generation will a sorceress be born. Unfortunately, many times she will awake elsewhere in the world. You are the first to awaken in the Kingdom Of Wind, during all my reign."

"Woah, woah, woah." I tried to hold up my hand in the 'stop' gesture, but ended up holding up both my hands (they were still handcuffed). "I thought that the whole world outside of the borders of the Kingdom Of Wind was just a wasteland, which is yet to be established in the plot, but worth mentioning. You said that a sorceress was born once a generation. You've been in reign for, like, a thousand years. Are you implying that there is civilization elsewhere, or are you just making shit up, because either way this plot doesn't make sense."

"Can you stop that?" She glared at me.

"Stop what?" I demanded, wondering about why my outburst seemed choppy, with lines missing from my memory. All I remembered saying was, "I thought that the whole world outside of the borders of the Kingdom Of Wind was just a wasteland. You said that a sorceress was born once a generation. You've been in reign for, like, a thousand years. Are you implying that there is civilization elsewhere?"

"The fourth wall breaking." She stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I started to ask "The fourth what?" but got a better idea and said, "If you removed the cuffs and the dampener, I'll stop."

She waved her hand, and the metal collar around my neck crumbled to dust along with the handcuffs, rendering me free. When the collar left, the world spun, and my vision turned to bright white with unintelligible black text.

I inhaled slowly, and tried to focus on myself, and the room I was in. It worked. I focused on Jamie, and said, "Well that was inconsistent."

"Excuse me?"

"You didn't make any gestures to force me against the wall, but you just waved your hand to destroy my chains. Was it for unnecessary dramatic effect? I bet it was for unnecessary dramatic effect." I forgot saying this immediately after saying it, unfortunately.

She looked at me, and opened her mouth to say something, then looked down at the ground. "Dramatic effect," She mumbled.

"Called it!"

She shook her head then said, "Do you have any more silly questions, or can I explain to you what is going to happen?'

I thought for a moment, then said, "Can I have a dragon?"

Chapter 4

"A dragon?" Jamie repeated.

"Yeah. With all this confusion, we might as well have something cool present." I said.

"Dragons aren't real." Jamie stated flatly.

"Why not?" I whined.

"Because I said so."

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