
This work has been abandoned.
This work has three chapters with an approximate word count of just under 1k.

Nina is an orphaned neko who lives with a coven of witches. She attends Windsnap High - along with the uninterested love of her life.
Will Nina be able to win the love of the beautiful human Candy - or will she be forever alone?


"Nina." Whispered an annoying sing-song voice.

"Shyadup." I muttered, asleep.

"Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiina." The annoyance continued.

"Imupnowgoawaaay." I pulled my big fluffy blanket over my head.

"You going to be late for school." Suddenly the blanket was gone.

I shot up, and stared at Sam. "What did you do?"

"You'll get your blanket back when you get up." He crossed his arms, and smirked smugly.

I lunged at him, somehow taking him by surprise. Within seconds, I had the 6-year-old brat pinned down on the ground. "You stole the fluffy clouds. I was nice and warm - and you took that away from me."

"Nina!" Came a shout from the door. "Get off of Sam, and get ready for school."

I stood up, my tail twitching. I pointed at Sam. "He stole my blanket."

Mom crossed her arms. "How exactly did he do this?"

"With magic." I whined. If Sam had mad an attempt at stealing my stuff unaided, he would fail. I was 10 years older than him - and a lot bigger. "Make him give it back.

"Sam." Mom sighed. "Give Nina her blanket back."

The blanket appeared back on the bed, unharmed.

"Thanks." I muttered. "Now get out." I shooed him out of the room.

I pulled off my tank top, and fluffy pajama pants, and selected a crop top, pair of shorts, and knee socks from my wardrobe. I put those on, and stuffed my feet in my comfy black sneakers. I grabbed my backpack, headphones, and phone, and slung the backpack over my shoulder. As I went down to the kitchen, I secured the headphones around my neck.

Sam was there, along with Maddie, Willa, and Quinn. Today was pancakes. I sat down at my seat. Luckily, Sam was smart enough not to wake me up, and mess with my food in the same day.

I wolfed down the pancakes, then quickly checked my phone. I got up, glaring at Willa, and headed to the door to leave. Willa was 15. For the past few months - since she learned teleportation - she'd been bringing me to school in the morning. For some reason, she'd stopped.

I grabbed my skateboard from its place next to the door, and headed out. I put down the board, and pushed off the ground, heading towards the school.

I pushed up my headphones, and selected a playlist on my phone. I Really Don't Care started playing.


I rolled up the sidewalk to the school, and pushed on the end of my skateboard. I caught the board out of the air, and headed inside. My locker was pretty close to the entrance.

I spun the lock open, and shoved my skateboard and backpack into the locker. I grabbed my books, and slammed the door shut. As I headed down to homeroom, my tail was wrapped around my waist. Though the charmed bracelet I wore kept the humans from seeing it - it didn't mean it wasn't there.

I sat down in my seat towards the back of the room. I pushed my headphones down around my neck, and clicked them off. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, and checked for messages.

There weren't any.

I went to iMessage and scrolled down to the contact 🍬CANDY 🍬. I typed in "are you still mad sat me" for the millionth time, and exited out of the app.

Ever since Candy found out that I was a lesbian, she stopped talking to me. Every day, I messaged her the same thing - never getting a reply. It's been a long time since I got a seen or message read from her, I'm starting to think she blocked me. I'm not going to stop though. We were friends for so long - since we were in first grade. How can something like that just stop?

I went into Instagram, and started scrolling through recent posts, reporting shoutout spam, and liking memes. The classroom steadily became noisier as more and more students came in. I wasn't the first one to show up, but I hadn't been late.

I could tell immediately when Candy came in - she was with her boyfriend. The reason this was relevant, was because her boyfriend was a werewolf.


Werewolves have a distinct smell, it's a bit like gasoline, inmy opinion I watched at Jake and Candy sat down, giggling about something or other. I could see Jake's wolf form surrounding him as a mist.

He knew I was a neko, and knew i knew he was a werewolf. He also knew I loved Candy, and I was pretty sure the only reason he was dating Candy was to piss me off. Or make me jealous. Or both. Didn't matter. Whatever the reason, it would not go down well for Candy. Not that there was anything I could do about it.

I sighed, and doodled in my notebook. After the announcements sounded, and the bell rang, I headed to my first period class. Everyone else was excited about prom, which was next week. I wasn't. Probably because I didn't have a date.

"Hey, Nina." It was Brett.

"What do you want?" I asked, not really paying attention.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to prom with me?" He asked, for some reason.

"No." I replied without looking at him. Brett was constantly trying to ask me out. It's gotten pretty annoying.

I continued to ignore him, and listen to the teacher talk about math - definitely not daydreaming about going to prom with Candy.

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