A Trip From Reality

This work has been abandoned.
This work has more than one chapter.

Chapter 1
A Recap Of The Story Description In Case You Haven't Read It

Pete is an 11-year-old Human Boy. He is 4'6 and has dark brown skin. His hair is dark purple, and he has a small, round, barbell earring in his left ear. Pete is usually wearing a pair of jeans, a pair of red sneakers, and a green hoodie. Pete is extremely intelligent, and has the ability to communicate with his friend Yuri.

Yuri is a 4-year-old Elf Owl that likes to ride on Pete's shoulder. She is also extremely intelligent, and is often frustrated when other humans cannot understand her.

Yuri is usually riding on Pete's shoulder.

On the day that a plot-launching event occurred, Yuri was riding on Pete's shoulder.

Chapter 2 - A Walk Gone Weird

Pete was walking down the street with Yuri on his shoulder. He was wearing his backpack, as he was on his way to school.

While crossing a crosswalk with a large crowd, Pete accidentally fell into the sewers. Because he was a child, no one noticed when he tripped and fell though the large, uncovered manhole.

No one noticed the big gaping manhole, because people are stupid and don't see things that are right in front of them, as long as it is convenient to the plot.

Anyways, Pete fell and landed awkwardly on his side. Yuri, who had quick reflexes, flew down, and landed on Pete's shoulder after he stood up.

Pete was holding back tears because his arm was broken, and he was in a lot of pain. Pete knew exactly how he was injured, because he could consciously comprehend the messages being sent from the arm to his brain.

Pete was looking looked up at the manhole hole that he'd fallen through. Then, he crouched down, and opened his bag.

"What are you doing?" Yuri asked him.

Pete answered by pulling out a large flashlight. He zippered the backpack shut, and slung it back over his shoulder. This process took longer than it would normally, as his arm was broken.

Pete shined the flashlight down the dirty sewer, and started heading north. He didn't know which direction he was going in, of corse, as it is hard to keep track of your location underground. Pete did not have anything to use as a makeshift sling, and held his arm as still and awkwardly as he possibly could.

After a few minutes, Pete and Yuri came across a floating green light.

"Hello?" Pete asked it.

The light bobbed up and down, and headed further away. Pete followed the light for some time, when it eventually stopped in front of an old wooden door.

Pete opened the door, and looked around in awe. The space it opened into was a large corridor shaped like the interior of a Pringles can. The walls doubled as ceilings and the point of gravity was at some obscure location above his head.

The floor Pete walked on was made of old cobblestones bordering a variety of doors. These doors varied in size, shape, and material. However, the majority were made of wood. Miscellaneous stones glowed in their respective natural tones, lighting up the place surprisingly well. vThe light had paused for a moment, but resumed its floating trek after Pete's initial awe of the WorldSpace subsided. The Light, Human, and Owl were being briefly watched by a centuries-old vampire, pondering her life options at the entrance of the round hallway. While Pete followed the bright green light, Yuri was doing a little investigating of her own. She was flying around the massive cylindrical corridor, testing the weird gravity.

She didn't fly for very long before landing on Pete's shoulder.

The boy was following the light eventually, it stopped in front of a door. It was large, and wooden, and heavy-looking. Despite its appearance, it was very light, and Pete easily opened it.

Chapter 3
Where Are We?

The door led to some twisting stairs, which in turn led to a large room. The odd stairs seemed to be a way for any travelers to adjust to the difference in gravity, and be able to enter the door in the floor.

The room's walls were a shiny black, and was full of bright white tables and lined with equally white shelves.

A variety of weapons hung from the shelves, and the tables were covered with countless clear little bottles, each containing a unique, unknown liquid.

While Pete was turning in circles, trying to absorb all the visual information, the light changed. It expanded into a humanoid form. Yuri noticed this, and alerted Pete.

Pete looked over at it. "Hello," he greeted the light. Pete looked around the room again. "Where am I?"

"You are in The Weapons Room." It said.

"Cool," was Pete's reply.

"Why are we in a weapons room?" Yuri asked.

"Because you must choose your weapons," said the light.

"Why?" Yuri was asking all the right questions.

"Because you must be armed if you want to fight," the light replied.

"My arm is broken," said Pete.

The light gestured towards a vial on one of the tables. "Drink this."

Pete picked up the vial with his good hand, uncorked it, and poured the unknown shimmery purple liquid down his throat. He placed the vial back down on the table, recoiling at the awful taste.

Pete's face scrunched up in pain, as the liquid made its way through his bloodstream. In less than a minute, however, his arm was completely healed, along with all of the minor injuries little boys are bound to have.

"What was that?" Pete asked.

"A healing elixir." Stated the light. "You will need to be in peak physical condition."

"I don't want to fight." Pete stated defiantly.

"You will have to," said the light.

"Why?" Yuri asked.

"If you want to get home, you will have to. Do you want to go home?" The Light asked.

"I can just-" Pete looked back at the way he'd come. The twisting staircase had vanished, and all that was there was the far corner of the room.

"You cannot go back the way you've came, child." The light smiled.

"Why not?" Yuri asked.

"The plot, of course." Replied the light, before fizzling out.

Chapter 4
An Unanticipated Update

"The plot?" Pete repeated, confused. "What does that mean?"

"I believe it may imply that we are simply characters on a set path in a story," Yuri mused, "Or it could just possibly be a slice of nonsense to confuse us. "

"Good thinking," Pete agreed, nodding. He walked around, and finally selected a smaller sword and sheath - which he secured around his waist. He grabbed a few vials similar to the one he had just drunken out of, and then he stopped, unsure of what to do.

There was a door in one of the walls that he had not noticed until now. He walked over to it, opened it, and left the weapon room.

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