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The Art World

This work has been abandoned.
This work is consists of only one chapter with a word count of 639.


An oval appeared in the the white. A grey shape floating in a world of nothing. The top of the oval faded, and was replaced with swirling, light brown lines. The scribbly lines covered the edges of the remaining grey curve, and flew out into the white. The swirls of brown stopped, and spirals of neon yellow appeared, adding to the hair.

In the oval, two sideways circles appeared. Grey lines, and a dab of lilac completed the eyes. A series of short lines appeared underneath each eye, and long ones above. Two squiggly black lines created eyebrows. A curved line slowly appeared, marking a nose. Fine, pink lines created lips.

The grey line appeared again, marking out a neck, shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers. The line moved, and a torso, along with hips, legs, feet and toes extended downward. The line vanished, then appeared higher up, and made two half circles, for ears, as if they had just been remembered. Two black circles appeared as well, creating hoop earrings.

A purple line went downward, sketching out a shape, and filling in a purple dress with long sleeves that went to the wrists. The feet were erased, and green sneakers appeared in their place. A dark brown belt and sheath spread across the waist of the dress, and a grey sword in one of the hands. The knees were adjusted, and details were added. A tannish line appeared, and filled in blank spots.

The lines and color stopped. After a short while, the newly made warrior princess blinked, and stepped forwards. She felt a strange sensation as she split in two.

She turned around, and saw the impression she’d left. By stepping forward, she created an identical copy of herself, the original, flat and lifeless. And herself, mobile and alive. She looked at herself, and observed every detail. She sheathed the sword and looked at her surroundings.

Somehow, she knew who and where she was.

She was in The Art World.

And her name, was Justice.

Chapter 1

I looked my Impression up and down. It was perfectly still. I knew this is what it looked like, but, for some reason, I doubted it. There was no way I was that lifeless. My swirls of hair weren't frozen - they bobbed around as I moved, and surely, my eyes had a spark of life.

I turned away from myself. The forever impression. The figure that would go immobile and unchanging - no matter what happened to me. I walked away through the white, surprised there was no one there. Somehow, I expected there to be more life, and more people to talk to.

Suddenly, black symbols smeared across the existance in front of me. It was an essay. And imprint from another world. I looked up at the heading. The word ‘October’ stood out. I heard a noise, and looked to the side. More pages were appearing. I looked up, considering the words. They had just came to be, so I would be sure that taking a letter would leave an impression, and no one had yet beat me to it.

I grabbed onto the side, carefully scaling the slippery letters. When I reached the word ‘October’ - at the top of the page, I plucked the ‘O’ from its resting place. Then, I slid down the wall, dislodging a few words along the way.

The ‘O’ had a stretchy, rubbery feel to it. I slipped it around my wrist, and grabbed all my hair in my fist. I twisted the ‘O’ around the mess, and then looked around at the symbols I’d dislodged. I bent down, and picked up an ‘e’, and promptly dropped it. The ‘e’ had an unpleasant, slimy texture. I grabbed a shiny ‘m’ and found it very stiff, and cold.

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